
25.02 Central

Last month, we updated the logic for distributing cameras across streamers: now the layouter automatically selects a streamer with sufficient storage capacity, predicting it based on the camera’s characteristics and historical data.

Rely on the layouter when adding cameras: it will automatically assign a streamer with enough storage space

Now, when adding a new camera, the layouter takes into account which disks have free space for archive recording and automatically assigns it to a suitable streamer. You no longer need to check the available storage space to ensure the camera is assigned to the correct streamer.

The layouter checks the camera’s historical data, estimates the approximate required DVR volume based on its characteristics, and independently assigns the camera to a streamer with available space. If there is no free space on the current streamers, it can redistribute other streams to ensure sufficient space. If a camera has been inactive for a long time, the layouter will not consider it when evaluating free space.

You can see the reasons for moving a stream from a streamer using the get one stream operation in the API. We have also added a new response change_reasonstream_disabled for situations where a camera is disabled and not functioning for some reason.