
24.12 Watcher

We continue to enhance API 3.0 by adding new methods and making Watcher more user-friendly. In this release, we have introduced convenient PTZ camera controls, clearer episode previews for identifying license plates and objects, and improved stream diagnostics via the API.

Here’s a detailed overview of the new features in version 24.12.

Identify Objects and Vehicle License Plates in Episode Previews

We have updated the appearance of episode previews, making it even faster to find the right episode during incidents. Now, the size and quality of the preview image on the page allow you to read license plates, identify objects, or spot intruders without watching the video in full.

Use All the Features of API 3.0

Manage Folders

Managing folders with cameras is now possible using the new client API 3.0. Use the folders method to get a list of cameras within a folder, including their count, coordinates, and floor distribution in a building. You can also create, delete, and rename folders.

Use Advanced Stream Monitoring

With the new release, we have added the ability to retrieve more camera and stream parameters as specified in the API schema: bitrate, stream lifetime, camera coordinates, and more. Use the stream_get operation to access available parameters.

Receive Motion Events from More Cameras

We have added support for new time formats in the ONVIF protocol. This allows Watcher to work with motion events on a broader range of cameras — for example, ZKTeco and Dexi cameras, which report motion via ONVIF.

Adjust PTZ Camera Control Speed

To quickly rotate a camera, use the new speed adjustment feature in the player. Now you can control how fast the camera changes its position.

Check Stream Recording via Health Check

The new release includes diagnostics for DVR stream recording issues. Use the stream_dvr_consistency_check operation to detect the presence or absence of errors in the DVR.