
24.09 Central

In this update, we’ve introduced new features and optimizations to streamline system management and improve performance. Three new endpoints now allow for reset, reboot, and disconnect requests to the Agent, helping our support team assist you more effectively. We’ve also added the opentelemetry_url configuration for setting up tracing, while deprecating the older tracer configuration. Additionally, the logic behind the episodes_expiration field has been enhanced to better manage episode retention after the archive becomes outdated.

New Features in Flussonic Central 24.09

  • Three new endpoints have been added to send reset, reboot, and disconnect requests to the Agent. This helps our support team assist you more efficiently.

Improvements and Changes

  • Added the opentelemetry_url configuration to set up tracing. Tracer configuration is now deprecated.
  • Improved the logic of the episodes_expiration field. It now specifies how long to retain episodes after the archive becomes outdated and purged, rather than simply defining the duration for keeping episodes.

Bug Fixes

  • Added collection of stats.dvr_info to view DVR recordings.
  • Fixed the episode search filter by the “license_plate_text” field.
  • Fixed a bug where faces were not identified in an episode.
  • Fixed an issue where the running_on field was not returned in the get_stream request.
  • Fixed the behavior of streamer_dynamic_streams_list and streamer_update_streams_list operations so that disabled streams are no longer returned or captured.
  • Fixed a regression that prevented the DVR from clearing by returning the correct episodes_url in config-external.
  • Fixed filters in the cursor.