
24.08 Central

We have upgraded to event-based logging for Agents and API calls, replacing the previous unstructured logs. The update also includes support for custom episodes, enabling integration with external video analytics, and introduces failover functionality. Upgrade to version 24.08 and try our new features, improvements and fixes for yourself!

New Features

  1. Switched to event-based logging of Agents and event-based logging of API Calls instead of unstructured logs.

  2. Failover functionality has been added: If you set LAYOUTER_FAILOVER_ENABLED=true (default=false) in the config, the streams from an offline streamer will be redistributed to online ones. The delay before the streamer is considered dead can be set by STREAMER_DEAD_TIMEOUT (default=180s).

  3. Added the custom episodes support to allow integration of external video analytics.

  4. Added redundancy_factor handling for Config External. Now streams with the specified redundancy_factor will be included in config_external of redundant streamers.

  5. We added hostname, role and labels filters processing to streamers_list operation.

  6. Added 499 status code to indicate that client closed the connection before the server answered the request.


  1. Improved cluster_health page. Streamers with outage status are now displayed as Partial Outage. Improved stream input URL validation to ensure its accessibility from ingest node.

  2. Added filtering by layout in agents_list operation.


  1. Removed deprecated streamer_hostname field.

  2. Added idle agent handling. if the agent does not send a ping within a minute, the connection will be dropped.

  3. Fixed a bug with a dynamic config update when Allow Tokens were no longer passed to Auth Backend.

  4. Fixed incorrect value of the limit attribute in tracing in streamer_streams_list operation.