
24.02 Central

Welcome to the release notes for Central 24.02, where we bring you enhanced control and monitoring capabilities for Central analytics, as well as other various improvements and bugs fixing.

Central analytics

To monitor the work of the Central analytics, the number of online streams is displayed on the analytics nodes. To plan the load on analytics nodes, to limit the load on them when required and to transfer streams if one the analytics nodes does not work, Central now supports layouting of streams with analytics enabled among the analytics nodes only.

To monitor whether analytics is running, when the last detections were and to facilitate troubleshooting - in other words, to have a control over analytics on a stream, the status and last_detection_at data are now collected for the streams with analytics.

Bugs fixed

Stream layout
To speed up stream allocation at the first launch or restart of Central, stream layouting was improved by an immediate launch of the layouter.

Central liveness/readiness probe
For checking whether Central is started and ready to use, when deploying clusters in Kubernetes or any other orchestration system, we implemented liveness_probe and readiness_probe methods. can now be received from Central.

Identification nodes
Statistics for identification nodes are now saved properly, and analytics events are now displayed correctly.

Stream stats
The stream stats is not returned anymore for disabled streams.

Person previews
Previews are properly saved for persons created by an analytics module, so that a user does not have difficulties with identifying the person.