

What’s new in Flussonic ver. 22.07

  1. Collect statistics and analyze ad impressions in your service – for this, we have added a new mechanism. Use ad_injected to collect information about inserting and playing ads in a live stream. Flussonic inserts ads based on information from the authorization backend, doing this either at a fixed interval or by SCTE markers. At the same time, an event is generated with parameters such as insertion time, session id, and others. Events are recorded in logs, and they can also be sent to an external database. Thanks to this, it is possible to monitor how many commercials were shown and to whom.

  2. The MSE player used for low-latency playback is updated more frequently. Now, as soon as new functionality is added to the player, you can use it immediately. Download the player from the public repository and enjoy all the benefits!

  3. Implemented GeoIP load balancing. Previously, when a viewer requested a stream from Flussonic, the load balancer sent him to the least loaded transcoder. Now the load balancer can send viewers to the geographically nearest server based on the subscriber’s location by ip address. The closer the distribution server is to the viewer, the more chances increase that the Internet bandwidth and other resources will be sufficient for high-quality video playback.

  4. Implemented transcoder balancing. When Flussonic ingest server starts publishing a stream to the transcoder, the stream is redirected to the transcoder with the least number of active streams. This allows you to plan the load of transcoders in advance.

  5. Flussonic supports ceph s3 (radosgw) – you can export the archive and play VOD files from this storage.

  6. Now you can confirm the creation of a new stream by clicking the “Enter” button.