This release adds useful functionality for UGC services. Video content will be received by all viewers – both those who came during the live streaming, and those who came to watch the recording after the broadcast. To do this, you no longer need to replace links; the less manipulations are carried out, the more stable the operation of the service will be.
The fact is that the DVR catch up link now combines two HLS types: EVENT and VOD. Flussonic automatically finishes EVENT links: it will return EVENT if “now” marker points into specified interval and return VOD when it comes into the past. You can insert one universal link into your website or application instead of updating it after the event. Both the live broadcast and its recording will be available at this link.
Now, in the web interface and via the API, you can monitor the loading of servers in the cluster in real time. Namely, you can see the CPU and memory usage, how many clients are connected, how many streams are running, and what traffic is coming from each server. This information is collected in one place, which eliminates the need to spend time collecting it from separate servers.

In this release, a specification has been published according to which it is possible to implement an authorization backend that integrates your billing/user base with Flussonic. Thanks to this, integration is faster and more reliable, since all the parameters that come from Flussonic to the authorization backend are clearly known in advance and what is expected in response.
In addition to the authorization backend scheme, today the specification for Flussonic Media Server has been documented and described, according to which you can create and turn off streams, add various options (DVR, etc.). As well as the Streaming API scheme for playing and publishing videos, with which you can integrate your media player with Flussonic.
It has become more convenient to run Flussonic in Kubernetes. A number of improvements have been added: storing server license files in k8s secret storage, getting configuration from system environment, reading configuration from configuration from includes /etc/flussonic/flussonic.conf.d/, adding of new monitoring endpoints (liveness, readiness). Share your experience of running Flussonic in k8s with us – support@flussonic.com
On the main page of the web interface, when hovering over the “i” icon, a pop-up window with stream parameters is displayed: tracks (video, audio, subtitles, ad markers), resolution, codec, bitrate, as well as the stream source. You can quickly find, for example, a track with a specific codec, without going into each stream separately.

Now you can automatically create multi bitrate playlists from VOD files in S3. This is convenient if you already have a library with separate files with different quality. In this case, in order not to waste time on merging these files into one multi bitrate file, you can use the auto mbr option.
Using auto mbr, it is enough to put several separate files with similar names in the cloud storage folder – Flussonic will find them and combine them into one HLS or DASH playlist.