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24.03 Central
Introducing the latest advancements in Flussonic Central with the release of version 24.03! This update brings exciting new features designed to enhance the functionality and adaptability of the platform.
Central analytics
To be adaptive to run in scalable distributed systems the compatibility of Flussonic Vision video analytics module is added to Central.
For the integration of the Central analytics with the third-party tools, the GET /api_tokens/{name}method was added to retrieve the specific auth token.
Сentral layouter
You can now easily configure thelayouter_enabled parameter to disable Central’s built-in layouter and use your own implementation.
Bugs fixed:
Central API
/Monitoring/readiness and /monitoring/liveness requests does not require authorization anymore that allow their use for checking if Central is ready to handle other requests.
Central update
Since 24.03 Central restarts automatically after being updated.