
New Flussonic Streaming Cloud

August 8, 2022

7minute read

Cloud Streaming

Today we are introducing a new product, and to keep you wanting to read this document, we will immediately indicate who it will be useful for.

  1. Do you want to earn money with video content and advertising and not spend resources and time dealing with your Linux system, your servers, and your hosting services?
  2. Do you want to pay exactly for what you use, and that this amount is not a surprise every time you receive a bill?

Now that you feel identified, let’s get to the point.

Start a business in 1 day with no admin needed and no knowledge of streaming video

Do you offer a service that involves streaming video such as events, sports, TV channels and what is known as user generated content? In other words, do you deliver live content to viewers over the Internet? What is needed for this? A server AND also someone who will understand if you need 1 or 5 servers. Perhaps 5 is still not enough for your number of viewers and 6 is the number you need. What hosting should you choose to have an acceptable delay? You also have to do configurations, reservations, make sure that the viewers are distributed on the servers according to their load, that there is enough bandwidth. In a few words, you have to make sure that everything works every day.

It takes weeks to find technical specialists with knowledge of streaming video and Linux and to set up your own equipment. And at some point, when the service grows and the load increases, you will again be puzzled by the bandwidth calculations and additional hosting requirements.

If you really don’t want to think about all of the above, at least for now, you can buy servers, streaming software, and the time of the best engineers in the industry, all rolled into one service. That service is called Flussonic Cloud.

You can integrate the cloud into your website and everything will work in 1 day. To make it possible, Flussonic Cloud has a clear web interface. Also, the logic of adding streams and connecting transcoding, recording, and other options to them is very simple. From the moment you log in to your personal Flussonic account until you receive a link to play the stream, it will take approximately 40 seconds.


We can boast a really developer-friendly streaming API, with automatic link generation, code generation, and other tricks. The specification in OpenAPI format describes the required fields in Flussonic’s response to the player. For example, if a player wants to request information about a file, the specification shows where the player can go, what fields it can expect. All explained by means of a clear and concise example. Therefore, all available fields and all Flussonic functions are immediately available to developers from the OpenAPI schema.

Uninterrupted broadcasts: More contact with the viewer, more ad impressions, better quality of service

“Sorry, we lost all your data, nothing works anymore.” It’s a little scary that one morning you hear those words. After all, the cloud belongs to “others”.

Flussonic technologies are known throughout the world. Rarely anywhere else can you find the same extensive capabilities in terms of redundancy, failover, transparent transcoding, 24/7 monitoring, etc. Have access to information about the length of viewing sessions and other indicators of the quality of content delivery. Unlike some other solutions, Flussonic doesn’t even require scheduled reboots. That is, it is designed to work 24 hours a day, without surprises.

We have been building video services around the world for 12 years. Up to giant services with tens of thousands of streams running simultaneously. This great experience allowed us to become the best in building fault tolerant systems.

During these 12 years, the Flussonic team has managed to bring together highly specialised and talented video solution development engineers (which, by the way, are not that easy to find), a real technical integration department, which can quickly understand the essence of the request, give a complete and detailed answer, predict the risks and almost anything else you want.

Predictable budget and pay only as you use

When showing IPTV and OTT TV to subscribers, for example, you can easily eliminate peak loads during parades, holidays, and some socially important events using the CDN cloud. You will only pay for the gigabytes that you distribute to viewers. Our cloud has a cap system, so you definitely won’t go over budget.

With your own server, you basically pay for the space that this server occupies in the rack, for the electricity and for the processor. You can’t use this server for anything else. And if you don’t fully load it, then all these resources are idle. An underloaded server is a waste of money.

We also accept SRT

As a source, the cloud already accepts not only RTMP, but also SRT streams, including 4K. SRT is the #1 solution for sports broadcasting, where delay is important and transmission freezes are unacceptable (otherwise a team will score and we won’t see it). RTSP, adaptive WebRTC, HLS and MPEG-TS will be available soon.

You earn from video content, which means it shouldn’t take long.

The cloud prepares video content for storage and playback on the network using different protocols. Today it is already possible to convert interlaced video to progressive and change the codec. In addition, you can transcode to multibitrate (mbr), so everyone can see it normally, someone with fast Internet, someone with slow Internet and someone with mobile Internet during a bus trip from Los Angeles to Dallas, for example.

There is one thing we can be proud of: Flussonic Cloud supports even resource-intensive 4K transcoding. You will receive guaranteed capacity. And the transcoder’s continuous mode will allow you to continue working seamlessly even after the source has changed on the input. The transcoder will not restart, which will clear buffering on the end user device. It’s great, and not everyone can do it.


Rewind live – attract more viewers

After transcoding, the cloud will record the video stream to file (DVR functionality). Choose the required storage period and provide subscribers with features such as Catch Up (viewer can go back to the beginning of the show if they missed the beginning) and Rewind (viewer can go back a couple of minutes if they were distracted by a phone call) .


Pay less for technology service

The live broadcasts and everything recorded in the archive will be packaged in the necessary protocols at the request of the viewers in real time. We are talking about “Just in Time Packaging”, which is far from being available everywhere and not everyone has it, and for which we do not charge extra money, unlike other cloud services.

So you have viewers watching, for example, on HLS and DASH. Flussonic will pack to the required format (ie HLS or DASH) “on the fly”. What benefits does this bring? Saves resources as segment generation is only enabled for requested protocols. The broadcast recording will be stored in a single media format, and not in HLS/DASH or some other required by the end device. Therefore, the cost of storage does not multiply with the increase in protocols. It means that the final price for delivery and storage is not only competitive, but also lower than other services.

Anytime, anywhere, any number of users

Our cloud has points of presence around the world, so you can receive and distribute video in absolutely any region to an unlimited number of users. There is a good “3 in 1” cloud player. With a couple of clicks, it is inserted into the website and the live and archived content is immediately available to viewers. And very, very soon, also low latency streams. And all this, with tracks of different quality.


What happens if your service grows? Out-of-the-box tools in the cloud will automatically scale the service. You don’t have to search for additional hosting yourself, think about bandwidth all the time, or how to correctly predict load. The cloud will add the necessary resources for you. Furthermore, the Flussonic Cloud API is complementary to the Flussonic Media Server software API: with project expansion, you can seamlessly switch to On-Premise and build your hardware infrastructure.

Take advantage of the free trial and see for yourself.

Media Server

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