Revolutionizing Software Development

September 15, 2023

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Engineering Approach

Revolutionizing Software Development: Flussonic’s Engineering Approach for Universal and Unique Solutions

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the decision to build your own software can be a pivotal factor in determining your project’s success. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of different approaches to custom software development and provide insights into our engineering methodology. At Flussonic, we recognize that there are instances where an off-the-shelf solution is the right choice. Learn how we effortlessly blend standardized solutions with our distinctive engineering approach to propel your video streaming business to unprecedented levels of success, leveraging our state-of-the-art software tools.

Making the Decision: Internal Development or Outsourcing?

Making the Decision

As a software solutions provider, we recognize that developing custom software can be a substantial investment. Therefore, the decision to pursue in-house development or outsourcing should be meticulously considered and substantiated. Let’s observe the factors that should guide this important decision.

In the realm of software development, relying on a single specialist is a risky endeavor.

When a company opts for an off-the-shelf software product, the journey extends primarily to post-implementation support. Typically, the implementation phase is bounded by a one-year timeframe. If a company elects to develop its own software, the timeline may seem open-ended, and the costs associated with the development team can rise exponentially, reaching figures with multiple zeros.

The Choice: Off-the-Shelf or Custom-Built

When a company opts for an off-the-shelf software product, the journey extends primarily to post-implementation support. Typically, the implementation phase is bounded by a one-year timeframe. If a company elects to develop its own software, the timeline may seem open-ended, and the costs associated with the development team can rise exponentially, reaching figures with multiple zeros.

A Strategy for the Visionaries

Choosing custom software development is a smart move for companies that want to stand out and believe in their unique place in the market. It’s a path for those who want to create their own special space in the business world.

If a company aims for market dominance and possesses a unique digital solution that is fundamental to its business, developing in-house software makes sense. However, this approach entails significant financial investment and developer hours.

For companies facing typical challenges, the wisest solution is often to seek off-the-shelf products on the market, customizing them to specific company needs. Finding a balance between essential functionality and the flexibility to tailor a product to company requirements is crucial, as numerous small modifications may escalate into the development of an entirely custom software product. This could ultimately result in a Frankenstein-like monster in the world of software.

There is also a third option: employing engineering solutions that can seamlessly integrate into a company’s workflows through the use of appropriate technologies, addressing specific issues and problems along the way.

Insourcing vs. Outsourcing: Weighing the Pros and Cons"



  • Ready Team with the Right Skills: Access to a skilled and proficient team.
  • Quick Project Launch: Expedited project kick-off.
  • Personnel Savings: Cost-effective due to temporary collaboration.


  • Limited Control over Development: Reduced control over project direction.
  • Communication Challenges with Remote Team: Difficulties in maintaining seamless communication with a 3rd party team.
  • Risk of Data Leakage: Potential security risks related to data.



  • Full Control over Development and Deliverables: Complete oversight and control of the development process.
  • Understanding of Business Goals: In-depth knowledge of the company’s objectives.
  • Ability to Shape the Work Culture: Crafting a company-specific work culture.


  • High Personnel Costs: Increased expenses due to hiring and retaining specialized personnel.
  • Long Recruitment and Adaptation of Employees: Extended recruitment processes and the time required for new employees to adapt.
  • Risk of Market Change: Vulnerability to shifts in the market landscape.

Choosing between outsourcing and your own development team hinges on your unique objectives and available resources.

If your main goal is to get your project up and running quickly with minimal oversight, outsourcing is an excellent option. This approach is particularly beneficial when you’re working with a tight budget and need to kick things off promptly. It’s also invaluable when you require specific skills that may not be readily available or are only needed for a short period.

On the other hand, having your own team of experts works well in companies that see software development as a key part of their strategy. Here, being in full control of how things are developed is crucial. If you’re ready to invest in building a dedicated team and creating a specific work environment, having an in-house team is a good fit. This approach works best for projects that need to smoothly blend in with other important business activities. So, make your choice carefully, as it will decide how your project progresses toward success.

Flussonic’s Unique Approach in a Competitive Landscape

In the world of software solutions, Flussonic stands out by taking a unique approach to competition. While we are a software vendor, our main challenge doesn’t come from other vendors. Instead, our primary competition comes from internal development teams.

Our strategy centers around the concept of tailoring standard solutions to craft what we call “engineered solutions.” This approach serves as the foundation of our products, featuring open architectures that seamlessly fit into our customers’ existing setups. We don’t just provide solutions to meet specific needs; we also empower our clients to create new tools that enhance their video streaming operations.

Many companies that choose ‘closed’ solutions from vendors like Wisi often find themselves stuck with inflexible systems. This lack of adaptability leaves them in a tough spot when their requirements don’t align with the software’s capabilities, often resulting in unaddressed needs. As a result, numerous organizations are exploring alternative software options, often leaning towards open-source solutions or customer software development.

Flussonic recognizes this significant challenge and identifies in-house development (insourcing) and outsourcing as our primary competitors. We are well-prepared to offer flexible, engineered solutions, providing clients with the adaptability they need in an ever-changing technological landscape.

Flussonic: An Engineering-Driven Development Approach

At Flussonic, we take a straightforward approach to building software. We make sure that about 90% of our software meets the basic needs of our customers. The remaining 5-10% is where we get creative and make sure we stand out in the market. In this special zone, our customers join us in shaping and testing new ideas.

We know that if we ignore this important 5-10%, our customers might go elsewhere or decide to do things on their own. To avoid this, we encourage direct communication between our support and development teams. This way, most of the improvements to our product come directly from customer requests.

Engineering-Driven Development Approach

We also use telemetry data to understand which features our customers are using the most and figure out what changes we need to make. So, our customers play a big role in guiding our development strategy, and we’re always happy to have them as partners in research and development. We’re all about working together to make better software.

We continually update our software, adding new features while ensuring that the core product remains stable and reliable. Our customers are at the heart of this process, receiving monthly updates, engaging in experiments, and assessing the latest innovations. They play a crucial role by sharing their valuable feedback, which guides us in fine-tuning the product.

We firmly believe that this approach aligns perfectly with our customers’ interests. It allows them to fulfill their unique requirements and actively participate in experiments, all within the framework of a ready-made solution. What’s more, we provide this guarantee at a cost comparable to mass-market products. It’s essential to note that we maintain our focus within the realms of our expertise and development strategy. For instance, while we’re passionate about software, we won’t venture into developing CRM systems or video editing platforms, even if there’s significant interest.

In today’s digital-centric world, nearly every business has some connection to the digital field, either directly or indirectly. It has become the norm for businesses to have a team of versatile technical specialists and developers on board. These experts are well-versed in various toolkits and programming languages, swiftly tackling the company’s emerging IT needs.


In today’s dynamic business landscape, it’s essential to recognize that not all technical specialists can become instant experts in specialized fields like efficient video streaming processing or video analytics. Developing the necessary expertise and fostering an engineering culture in these niches takes years of continuous dedication. In-house training for such highly specialized, one-time tasks simply doesn’t make sense.

This is where successful Chief Technology Officers (CTOs) turn to technology partners—those with expertise in specific niches. In our experience, we’ve witnessed instances where our partners have made the strategic decision to relinquish and transform their software development departments in favor of our products. These products seamlessly integrate into their existing ecosystems, propelling their projects forward.

On the flip side, CTOs who opt for insourcing often encounter a significant initial cost increase, sometimes as much as tenfold. Over time, these costs can spiral upwards by an additional 50%.


Choosing between outsourcing and insourcing in software development is no small feat. It depends on a company’s unique goals and specific requirements. However, Flussonic’s engineering approach provides a distinct opportunity—a harmonious blend of off-the-shelf product flexibility with customization via engineering approach tailored to meet unique challenges. This approach enables us to move forward together and thrive in the ever-evolving realm of video streaming software development. Success is within reach, and we’re here to help you seize it!