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We’ve released Flussonic 18.12.

What’s New
Flussonic Media Server
Mobile Watcher
Issues Resolved
Flussonic Media Server
Mobile Watcher
ile Watcher] A session in the mobile app no longer closes if the Flussonic server was restarted.
- #5864 [Flussonic] DRM support was added to the interactive TV platform Solocoo.
- #7236 [Flussonic] To reduce the server load, you can specify the ‘securetoken’ setting in the configuration file instead of using securetoken.lua.
- #6526 [Watcher] Camera owners with non-administrator rights can now create cameras through the Watcher UI and API.
- #6795 [Watcher] The initial functionality for using license plate detection was added in the UI.
- #6896 [Watcher] Watcher supports additional custom authorization backends.
- #7005 [Watcher] Newly installed Watchers will have the new UI by default. You can still switch to the old UI and change the default setting - the option ‘Use old UI by default’ is available in the Watcher settings, as well as the link to switch to the old UI right now. Previously installed Watchers also have the option and link in the settings.
- #7134 [Watcher] We added a simplified dialog for adding cameras, with the option to switch to the advanced dialog with the full list of fields.
- #7146 [Watcher] You can search for events that were detected only on a certain camera.
- #7134 [Watcher] We added a simplified dialog for adding cameras, with the option to switch to the advanced dialog with the full list of fields.
- #7146 [Watcher] You can search for events that were detected only on a certain camera.
- #6781 [Mobile Watcher] Watcher supports custom builds, which allows for unique branding and appearance of the app. The first branded app was released for a video services provider.
- #6802 [Agent] The support for OMNY miniDome2-U was added to Flussonic Agent.
- #7116 [Agent] The support for MV-IP2041MA was added to Flussonic Agent.
- #7120 [Agent] The support for Trassir TR-D7111IR1W cameras was added to Flussonic Agent.
- #4195 [Flussonic] Improved notification message for a too small UDP receive buffer.
- #4988 [Flussonic] Multibitrate video is now played correctly when transmitted via a proxing Flussonic server.
- #6663 [Flussonic] DVR storages on Amazon S3 (limits, recording) now work correctly.
- #6965 [Flussonic] In rare cases, the DVR playback from a Swift storage requested an index even if no_index was specified for the stream.
- #7129 [Flussonic] The message about libtinfo (’no version information available’) no longer appears in logs during Flussonic installation.
- #7170 [Flussonic] When DVR was turned on again for a live stream, it could sometimes cause DVR not writing the archive.
- #7225 [Flussonic] The issue with DRM keys cache expiring too soon was resolved, now it does not cause some server load due to extra connections to the DRM server.
- #7227 [Flussonic] Disk monitoring now works correctly for Linux kernel 4.18 and later.
- #3025 [Watcher] Streamer and Agent problem indicators were added to the UI. You can fix some of the problems by clicking corresponding buttons in the UI. Also, the indicators of the rproxy plugin’s state (used for interaction with Flussonic Agent) were added. You can turn on the plugin via the UI.
- #7096 [Watcher] Writing to the database no longer produces messages like “ERROR: null value in column”
- #7119 [Watcher] The new UI: a group administrator could not add a camera.
- #7133 [Watcher] The search for plate detection events by a car number now works in the Watcher UI.
- #7173 [Watcher] The new UI: The issue with newly added cameras not showing video in Watcher was resolved.
- #6104 [Mobile Watcher] Correct switching back to a running player from a notification screen.
- #7013 [Mob
- #7121 [Player] We’ve changed packaging of the Flussonic’s live player, which is used in the UI and in embed.html.
- #7153 [Player] Deprecated code of the DVR player was removed.
We’ve released Flussonic 18.10.

What’s New
Flussonic Media Server
Issues Resolved
Flussonic Media Server
- #2194 [Flussonic] Application-level RAID for DVR: A beta version is ready, and we will continue working on this in next releases. In this beta, we added a new format of specifying disks in DVR settings.
- #5031 [Watcher] The new UI: User experience with the mosaic view was improved.
- #6037 [Watcher] API v2: Managing mobile app tokens and subscribing to events.
- #6395 [Watcher] The list of Agents has indicators that show the status of connection to a streamer. More info appears when you point at the “i” icon.
- #6429 [Watcher] Camera owners with non-administrator rights can add external IDs of cameras.
- #6494 [Watcher] Now you can change camera name using the call PUT /vsaas/api/v2/cameras/(path: name) and passing the new name in JSON.
- #6496 [Watcher] In cluster mode, streams created in Flussonic are not deleted in Watcher.
- #6528 [Watcher] API v2: Camera owners with non-administrator rights can create cameras.
- #6529 [Watcher] API v2: Camera owners with non-administrator rights can import cameras.
- #6531 [Watcher] API v2: You can get camera list filtered by group_id (https://flussonic.github.io/watcher-docs/api.html#get--vsaas-api-v2-cameras).
- #6739 [Watcher] The new UI: You can share public cameras, Watcher gives you the link for embedding the video to external websites and systems.
- #6797 [Watcher] The UI for viewing events in video analytics was re-worked and improved.
- #6944 [Player] The player was built using another technology, and you can load the new player version when requesting embed.html with ?dvr=true. Use ?dvr=old to switch to the previous version.
- #6385 [Agent] Support for HI3518E_53H13_IMX138_S39 was added to Agent.
- #3614 [Flussonic] “Ondemand” streams configured with turned off HLS no longer start if a client requests them to play over HLS.
- #5058 [Flussonic] We disallow stream configurations that specify the same location for DVR and cache because it could cause DVR data deleted.
- #6331 [Flussonic] DVR now works correctly for cameras added using API, previously it could fail to work if configured with the same path as global path.
- #6350 [Flussonic] The server could crash in a certain situation.
- #6353 [Flussonic] On transcoded streams, the change of video attributes (media info) no longer causes sound corruption.
- #6374 [Flussonic] SQL API no longer issues the error “No database selected”.
- #6688 [Flussonic] The new option ‘allow_subtitles=false’ now works correctly.
- #6749 [Flussonic] Now the authorization backend can get bytes_sent from Flussonic during session updates.
- #6771 [Flussonic] epg.xml now will not produce the error ‘Module could not be loaded’.
- #6789 [Flussonic] JPEG screenshot generation (the ’thumbnails’ option) was fixed.
- #6806 [Flussonic] Flussonic 18.08 could consume more resources due to too short timeout on source reconnection. Now it tries to reconnect to a stream source less frequently.
- #6841 [Flussonic] In version 18.09 cameras with Agent did not send video with ‘agent offline’ message in Watcher and ’no_frames’ message in Flussonic.
- #6969 [Flussonic] DVR playback no longer stops responding with the increase of connected viewers.
- #5766 [Watcher] The issue with import of cameras from Flussonic was fixed.
- #5872 [Watcher] API v2: Camera removal now works well with agent-connected cameras via the call (https://flussonic.github.io/watcher-docs/api.html#delete--vsaas-api-v2-cameras-(path-name))
- #5983 [Watcher] In some cases, streampoint_key was deleted from the configuration file.
- #6110 [Watcher] Camera import via API no longer fails if the .csv file contains formatting errors.
- #6219 [Watcher] Users with non-administrator rights can now view archive video.
- #6275 [Watcher] The button for changing the default streamer was added.
- #6623 [Watcher] The new UI: We improved the info that appears on the map in camera preview.
- #6630 [Watcher] In Watcher installed for trial purposes (with SQLite) the Statistics section is now disabled.
- #6637 [Watcher] The new UI: The Statistics section now opens quickly.
- #6647 [Watcher] The new UI: Improvements in Statistics (more readable figures)
- #6671 [Watcher] The UI now handles requests for non-existing cameras, user, and groups correctly.
- #6703 [Watcher] The new UI: Guest access was fixed.
- #6709 [Watcher] The new UI: The appearance of DVR player was improved.
- #6732 [Watcher] The new UI: Now camera preview on the map is available for cameras with incomplete coordinates.
- #6788 [Watcher] API v2: The auto-login token is generated correctly now (/vsaas/api/v2/auth/generate-autologin-token)
- #6814 [Watcher] The Watcher bundle size is now 400KB smaller.
- #6817 [Watcher] The new UI: The map now shows camera info.
- #6838 [Watcher] We’ve fixed incorrect figures in statistics for bitrate, min and max disk size.
- #6907 [Watcher] The limit=0 on camera creation for a user is no longer saved as null; limit=0 means that a user cannot create cameras and this is how Watcher behaves by default.
- #6908 [Watcher] The new UI: Users created without the specified limit on cameras now cannot add cameras, they are assigned limit=0.
- #6913 [Flussonic] Now the ‘modify_config’ HTTP API call saves the ‘auth_backend’ information in the configuration.
- #6931 [Watcher] A note about Watcher compliance with the EU GDPR requirements was added.
- #6932 [Watcher] Watcher now attempts to reconnect to the PostgreSQL database if it was disconnected.
- #6390 [Player] The player in embed.html?dvr=true did not play the archive if the live stream was offline.
- #6638 [Player] Watcher no longer tries to update preview images in the player after the web page with the player is left by the user.
- #6696 [Player] New DVR player: the calendar is now usable.
- #6705 [Player] Improved player appearance.
- #6809 [Player] The MSE player no longer continues to accept video from Flussoniс server if the browser fails to play it.
- #6864 [Player] If the live stream source is lost, the MSE player handles it correctly.
- #6865 [Player] The player (?dvr=true) in embed.html no longer opens DVR as the response to clicking the current time.
- #6134 [Agent] In rare cases, Agent broke down on HI3516CV300_50H20L_AE cameras.
Flussonic 18.09 is available.

What’s New
Flussonic Media Server
Mobile Watcher
Issues Resolved
Flussonic Media Server
Mobile Watcher
- #1946 [Flussonic] The direct use of Widevine DRM is now supported, with multi-bitrate features working well.
- #3543 [Flussonic] The API call for DVR locking now returns true even if there is no records in the specified time interval, and locking works for such time intervals.
- #5660 [Flussonic] With the except media=* option you can disable logging of stream-related messages, only system messages will be logged. Use the asterisk sign for all streams or list stream names to exclude them from the log.
- #5696 [Flussonic] SOCKS5 proxy support for connection to the license server.
- #6164 [Flussonic] DVR: The number of disk I/O operations was reduced and the currently recorded hour is not indexed also to reduce disk I/O.
- #6598 [Flussonic] The environment variable FLU_SSL_PATH sets the path to key and certificate files.
- #2848 [Mobile Watcher] On iOS, users can save selected fragments of video to the Pictures directory.
- #5957 [Mobile Watcher] The app for Android has received an SDK that you can use to embed video to your external applications.
- #5984 [Mobile Watcher] Authorization with a PIN code is now supported.
- #6414 [Mobile Watcher] The support for custom operator IDs in the Watcher mobile app.
- #6558 [Mobile Watcher] MP4 video thumbnails in the list of cameras.
- #4973 [Watcher] Work with ONVIF-compatible cameras was improved.
- #5190 [Watcher] Automatic discovery of cameras was added to the API v2, see https://flussonic.github.io/watcher-docs/api.html#put--vsaas-api-v2-cameras-discover
- #5658 [Watcher] The new UI: The new setting Demo access in Watcher settings creates a user ‘demo’ and enables the button on the login page for automatic logging in as ‘demo’. In demo mode, the user can see all public cameras and private cameras allowed by the administrator.
- #6334 [Watcher] API v2 allows you to disable events grouping (/vsaas/v2/events?group_by_time=0)
- #6386 [Watcher] You can monitor how much traffic and disk space a camera consumes during a period of time. The related HTTP API calls are /vsaas/api/v2/stream_usages and /vsaas/api/v2/disk_usages. Also, the usage report in the new UI (at /vsaas/v2/usages) has links to this information.
- #6469 [Watcher] API v2 allows searching users by the ’note’ field.
- #6621 [Watcher] The new UI: The Groups menu was added.
- #5452 [Agent] The support for Hikvision HiWatch was added to Flussonic Agent.
- #5898 [Agent] The support for KD-IW7030MF-IP27 was added to Flussonic Agent.
- #6198 [Agent] The support for Dahua IPC-HDW1220S was added to Flussonic Agent.
- #6442 [Agent] The support for Novicam N11W was added to Flussonic Agent.
- #6490 [Agent] The support for Panda StreetCam.net 1080.vf-Power was added to Flussonic Agent.
- #3796 [Flussonic] Transcoding by using Nvenc did not work for RTMP published streams.
- #3889 [Flussonic] In rare cases, the transcoder worked incorrectly with the ‘copy’ option.
- #4952 [Flussonic] The transcoder log missed information about errors on subordinate nodes.
- #5502 [Flussonic] Streams after transcoding now have correctly numbered segments.
- #5570 [Flussonic] Encoding for H.264 streams was improved.
- #6133 [Flussonic] DVR locking mechanism was re-worked: now the request to lock a time interval works even if no record exists in the specified interval. Several recorded time ranges might be locked at once, and the upper end of an interval is allowed to be in the future. When you request information about locks, the correct information is returned.
- #6148 [Flussonic] The limit on the cache size for files in path http://… now works correctly.
- #6365 [Flussonic] The field ‘dvr_enabled’ was removed from the Flussonic’s database (table Streams) and it does not appear in API responses anymore as it is not necessary.
- #6447 [Flussonic] Invalid response to HTTP request with OPTIONS (content was sent).
- #6471 [Flussonic] The server no longer returns HTTP error 500 when saving Ad Injector settings.
- #6472 [Flussonic] The DVR player in the administrator UI didn’t show thumbnails.
- #6478 [Flussonic] Flussonic no longer writes errors to logs and tries to connect to the stream source if the Agent is offline.
- #6530 [Flussonic] The embed.html no longer stops working when run with ‘ago’ for remote-source streams.
- #6559 [Flussonic] The access.log now has no duplicate fields.
- #6575 [Flussonic] DVR: The backward compatibility issue, when archives created in older versions failed to play in 18.08, was resolved.
- #6582 [Flussonic] Duplicate HTTP headers were removed from responses to requests for DVR archives.
- #6590 [Flussonic] The ‘cache misses=’ option is now supported for VOD files with ‘path http://…’
- #6599 [Flussonic] The /flussonic/api/whoami call now works correctly.
- #6659 [Flussonic] The protection from DVR storage overflow was improved.
- #6673 [Flussonic] The DVR’s copy=s3:// option did not save video to Amazon S3.
- #5363 [Statistics] Server hostnames and IP addresses no longer disappear from the list of servers in Account > Servers.
- #5569 [Watcher] The archive size in GB in camera settings was not saved if set to ‘No limit’.
- #5605 [Watcher] The administrator now cannot delete their own account.
- #5965 [Watcher] The new UI: Cameras with offline streamers can be added now.
- #6131 [Watcher] The new UI: A user session no longer fail to close after you change a user’s password.
- #6209 [Watcher] The new UI: The camera icon is now shown in the list of a user’s cameras.
- #6318 [Watcher] The player in DVR no longer fails to play live streams.
- #6409 [Watcher] DVR recording is turned on by default now for newly added cameras.
- #6468 [Watcher] API now checks user rights for a camera when a user requests events from that camera.
- #6517 [Watcher] The new UI: The administrator session now closes at logging out.
- #6541 [Watcher] The new UI: The menu now shows correctly on mobile devices.
- #6548 [Watcher] The new UI: Event screenshots are now correct.
- #6585 [Watcher] The new UI: adding cameras is disabled for a user with guest rights.
- #6606 [Watcher] The new UI: Pagination was added when adding users or cameras to a group. The preview mode now works for cameras in a group.
- #6608 [Watcher] Video previewing on the dashboard was improved.
- #6613 [Watcher] A click on the logo leads to the Dashboard now.
- #6614 [Watcher] The appearance of the group list was improved.
- #6626 [Watcher] The new UI: Multiple small improvements.
- #6628 [Watcher] The new UI: The color scheme in branding settings was temporarily removed.
- #6636 [Watcher] The UI page with a map now shows only cameras with coordinates and requests only necessary data. API v2 allows fetching cameras with non-empty coordinates (by has_coordinates=1 in a request) and accepts a list of fields in a request.
- #6640 [Watcher] Tracks of video.js were removed from dependencies.
- #6646 [Watcher] An issue with the DVR player failing to work was resolved.
- #6689 [Watcher] A possible error on Watcher restart was prevented.
- #6600 [Mobile Watcher] Saved screenshots did not appear in the Gallery in Watcher for Android. Now they are shown in a separate directory in the Gallery.
- #6722 [Mobile Watcher] If a session was expired, there was a message that cameras were not found when a user requested a video from camera’s DVR.
- #6063 [Player] If the requested DVR is unavailable, and the stream type is ’live’, then Flussonic plays the live stream instead of the archive.
- #6262 [Player] The player in DVR did not play live streams.
- #6692 [Player] Sliders for marking a range on the timeline were displayed with a shift.
- #6483 [Agent] Authorization was added to Flussonic Agent for NST and XM cameras.
Today we have launched Flussonic 18.08.

What’s New
Flussonic Media Server
Flussonic Watcher
Flussonic Watcher Mobile
Flussonic Agent
Issues Resolved
Flussonic Media Server
Flussonic Watcher
Flussonic Watcher Mobile
Flussonic Agent
- #4990 [Flussonic] Flussonic can extract EPG from MPEG-TS streams into a JSON or XMLTV file. If you use Flussonic’s IPTV plugin, you can get the program guide and receive updates by using HTTP API, for an individual channel, for all channels, or for a group of channels. Learn more in Import of EPG from MPEG-TS Streams.
- #5080 [Flussonic] Now Flussonic by default accepts subtitles from all published MPEG-TS streams, either static or live. Learn more in MPEG-TS options.
- #6126 [Flussonic] Now you can know a source status before Flussonic restarts a dead source. The new frames_timeout option in stream settings makes Flussonic generate two events - frames_timed_out and frames_restored, and you can use it to determine whether the source has stopped and has resumed sending frames.
- #6204 [Flussonic] The performance of the DVR player with DRM content is much faster now due to a new way of accessing DRM keys.
- #6250 [Flussonic] DASH manifests for archives now have a new parameter dynamic=false/auto that allows requesting a playlist to behave differently (either be always static or change from dynamic to static).
- #6003 [Flussonic] DASH manifest for static DVR archives now contains multiple periods, the same as for other archive variants.
- #6284 [Flussonic] For published streams over RTMP, the events ‘publish_stopped’ and ‘publish_started’ now can provide data about the user, such as token.
- #6070 [Flussonic] MSE LD player provides new events, including: ‘onSeeked’ that occurs when a video was fast forwarded or rewound; ‘onEOS’ that signals that a video has been played back till the end; and the re-worked ‘onError’ that now allows programmatically handle player errors.
- #6333 [Flussonic] The MSE LD player now issues an event ‘recordings_ended’ when it reaches the end of a DVR archive.
- #6337 [Flussonic] More convenient use of VOD video thumbnails: You can now specify time within a file to access a thumbnail. Learn more in Video Thumbnails.
- #6359 [Flussonic] Flussonic sends a reply with a stream status when MSE LD player requests a live stream. For this, it uses the events ‘mse_init_segment’ or ‘stream_unavailable’.
- #5191 [Watcher] APIv2 can link cameras’ serial numbers to users. Learn more in the API v2 reference.
- #5571 [Watcher] The new Watcher UI and APIv2 have received all the features for camera and group administration.
- #4979 [Watcher] The new UI: Full-feature list of motion detection events, with thumbnails and time interval selection, and APIv2 for getting events occurred in the specified time interval.
- #5181 [Watcher] The new UI: A security improvement.
- #6041 [Watcher] The new UI: Timeline in the DVR player becomes available if there is data in the archive.
- #6041 [Watcher] The new UI: Timeline in the DVR player becomes available if there is data in the archive.
- #6418 [Watcher] The new UI: you can create individual API keys for users.
- #6223 [Watcher] You can add Google Analytics to Watcher.
- #6296 [Watcher] Players in Mosaic now use low bitrate when playing video, unless you open it in a fullscreen mode.
- #5952 [Mobile Watcher] The appearance of icons on Android was updated according to the most recent requirements of Android SDK.
- #6280 [Mobile Watcher] Playback of DVR over DASH: switching to live if a client requests a time in the future where the record does not yet exists.
- #6083 [Agent] Flussonic Agent now supports Hikvision OEM DS 2CD3442F IW.
- #5611 [Flussonic] MSE LD player multiple improvements, including seamless stream or bitrate switching (the screen no longer blinks) and better rewinding and fast forwarding (the position of the indicator on the timeline no longer jumps between the new and old position, video from the old position no longer continues to appear in the new position).
- #2815 [Flussonic] Stream settings: The option ‘gop_duration’ was renamed to ‘segment_duration’. Learn more in the segment_duration option
- #4437 [Flussonic] MSE LD playback on mobile was improved.
- #4600 [Flussonic] The embed.html no longer fails to playback DVR if the &proto=mse parameter was used.
- #4883 [Flussonic] The issue with incorrect playback in MSE LD was resolved.
- #5574 [Flussonic] The issue with some memory leak caused by the transcoder was resolved.
- #5647 [Flussonic] Transcoder improvements.
- #5863 [Flussonic] For a live stream that was lost several times, the DVR archive recording failed to play in embed.html.
- #5968 [Flussonic] The issue was resolved with MSE LD player stop responding when changing from a stub to video in DVR.
- #6048 [Flussonic] Flussonic no longer fails DVR playback over RTMP in the situation when DVR has motion recorded before data arrived.
- #6073 [Flussonic] Situations when the administration interface stopped working after failing to connect to a cloud storage are now handled correctly.
- #6123 [Flussonic] DVR player no longer shows live video if the user clicks the timeline at a point later than now.
- #6125 [Flussonic] Flussonic now notifies about invalid stream configuration settings and refuses to apply them.
- #6130 [Flussonic] Screenshots in video analytics now exactly correspond to the time they were made.
- #6276 [Flussonic] A logo in the player (embed.html) is displayed correctly now.
- #6285 [Flussonic] MSE LD player did not work with the parameters ‘from’ and ‘realtime’ specified together.
- #6287 [Flussonic] For DVR containing time intervals, in rare cases the DVR player’s timeline missed an interval, although all video was played correctly (affected: the administrator UI and API).
- #6288 [Flussonic] In case of several long HTTP API’s POST requests to update the configuration, Flussonic no longer stops responding.
- #6320 [Flussonic] The issue with the transcoder not creating GOPs of a constant size was resolved.
- #6327 [Flussonic] Transcoder no longer restarts when metadata of the audio track has changed.
- #6356 [Flussonic] DVR API now works correctly if the very last segment is already with motion and thumbnail but without video.
- #6357 [Flussonic] The issue with Flussonic stopping writing DVR for a restarted live stream was resolved.
- #6383 [Flussonic] SQL API: the ‘where’ statement caused redundant results if there were records containing null values.
- #6452 [Flussonic] MSE LD player now plays one-track streams correctly.
- #5258 [Watcher] The logic of streamer selection when adding cameras was improved.
- #5640 [Watcher] An attempt to run database migration in Watcher when Flussonic is stopped now shows a human-readable error message.
- #5781 [Watcher] The new UI no longer shows links to sections that are unavailable for the current user.
- #5825 [Watcher] The new UI: The position of the Save button was fixed.
- #5923 [Watcher] The issue with DVR recording failing to turn off was resolved.
- #6017 [Watcher] The new UI: multiple improvements.
- #6106 [Watcher] Now Watcher correctly processes empty requests sent via APIv2.
- #6107 [Watcher] In case of import of several cameras with the same agent_id and missing names via Watcher API, now system issues a error message about duplicate records. This means that you need to specify a unique name for each camera.
- #6146 [Watcher] The new UI: The logic for the cameras’ Enabled setting was improved.
- #6162 [Watcher] A new value of dvr_depth is now saved correctly after changing camera information via APIv2.
- #6176 [Watcher] The new UI: A loading indicator was added to pages with the list of cameras.
- #6274 [Watcher] The new UI: The navigation panel was improved.
- #6312 [Watcher] The new UI: The Events page now opens correctly.
- #6313 [Watcher] The new UI: Camera search is now case-insensitive.
- #6330 [Watcher] The new UI: The titles for players in Events are displayed correctly.
- #6344 [Watcher] The new UI: Thumbnails are no longer enabled for newly added cameras.
- #6419 [Watcher] Existing camera titles no longer get removed after importing cameras via API.
- #6156 [Mobile Watcher] The issue with push notifications on iPhone 6s and 7 was resolved.
- #6011 [Mobile Watcher] The player on Android in the demo version of Watcher now works correctly.
- #6098 [Agent] Agent for NOVIcam PRO NC33WP cameras was improved.
Flussonic 18.07 is available.

What’s New
Flussonic Media Server
Flussonic Watcher
Flussonic Watcher Mobile
Flussonic Agent
Issues Resolved
Flussonic Media Server
Flussonic Watcher
Flussonic Watcher Mobile
Other issues
- #4943 [Flussonic] MPEG-TS elementary streams from Flussonic now have new metadata (maximum bit rate) that is useful for integration with external systems such as Broadpeak.
- #6012 [Flussonic] Flussonic now has a new event about the status of a stream’s source (active or not), which also sends information about the source.
- #6058 [Flussonic] Flussonic’s unique JPEG-less video thumbnails are now available for VOD. They save you a lot of system resources.
- #6128 [Flussonic] Flussonic now has API commands for reporting how much disk space is used by a camera’s archive.
- #6129 [Flussonic] Flussonic adds info about disk space usage to events that are generated when an archive’s size changes.
- #4472 [Flussonic] Log records about disconnected stream sources now contain info about the number of clients of a lost source.
- #5821 [Flussonic] Flussonic’s authorization via backend by using Lua scripts allows checking and limiting the number of clients of a stream.
- #5897 [Flussonic] Flussonic can now handle internal indexes of DVR data in a completely new way - this significantly saves server resources, and DVR archives are played much quicker and smoother.
- #5916 [Flussonic] A video analytics module was added to Flussonic. It is available by request.
- #6005 [Flussonic] From version 18.07, Flussonic uses systemd for launching.
- #6015 [Watcher] A new web interface for Watcher is available. It has many improvements. You can try it now by the link in the existing UI, with the possibility to switch back to the previous version.
- #6161 [Watcher] The link to the new version of Watcher UI is available in the Watcher UI. To switch back, use the similar link.
- #4884 [Watcher] Users can specify camera names when importing cameras by using ONVIF Discovery in the UI.
- #4977 [Watcher] Users can remotely change the direction and zoom of their PTZ-enabled cameras by using buttons in the Watcher’s web interface.
- #5192 [Watcher] The API v2 now has methods for working with PTZ cameras.
- #5796 [Watcher] Watcher can receive events from cameras about detected motion and can send push notifications to subscriber’s mobile devices.
- #5842 [Watcher] You can import a list of users in JSON or CSV notation to Flussonic Watcher by using API v2’s endpoint /vsaas/api/v2/users/import.
- #5918 [Watcher] Camera events’ metadata is now stored in the system.
- #4971 [Watcher] The list of streamers now shows an Agent for each camera.
- #5846 [Watcher] All API v2 methods in use were documented.
- #5533 [Mobile Watcher] Flussonic can send push notifications about camera events to Watcher mobile app.
- #5672 [Mobile Watcher] A screen for viewing camera events is added to the Watcher mobile app.
- #6008 [Mobile Watcher] Users can now learn their app’s version in the About menu.
- #5623 [Agent] Flussonic Agent now supports OwlerPro i230 cameras.
- #5830 [Agent] Flussonic Agent now supports ActiveCam AC-D7101IR1 cameras.
- #5831 [Agent] Flussonic Agent now supports ActiveCam AC-D2111IR3W cameras.
- #5832 [Agent] Flussonic Agent now supports ActiveCam AC-D8111IR2W cameras.
- #5987 [Agent] Flussonic Agent now supports NOVICAM N22LW cameras.
- #6086 [Agent] Flussonic Agent now supports NOVIcam PRO NC33WP cameras.
- #6060 [Agent] Flussonic Agent now supports ActiveCam AC-D2111IR3 cameras.
- #6061 [Agent] Flussonic Agent now supports ActiveCam AC-D8111IR2 cameras.
- #4410 [Flussonic] Playback of files stored on Swift did not work in some situations.
- #4603 [Flussonic] Now it is possible to get JPEG files from remote m4f source if they are recorded on remote server.
- #4547 [Flussonic] The issue of missing pieces in archives of RTSP IP cameras was resolved.
- #4590 [Flussonic] The size of the buffer for pre-pushing of MPEG-TS video from archives can now be configured.
- #4852 [Flussonic] Export to MP4 for MP2V content now works correctly.
- #5521 [Flussonic] It was impossible to playback a stream via embed.html?dvr=true if the stream’s settings contained the backup setting.
- #5799 [Flussonic] The issue with internal DVR cache failure with a stream without a local storage but with remote m4f DVR was resolved.
- #5928 [Flussonic] Watcher correctly locks from cleaning the parts of an archive with motion events.
- #6142 [Flussonic] The player in DVR requested the status of a record from the server too often, making the system stop responding.
- #5616 [Flussonic] The add_audio_only setting no longer fails to work for VOD content.
- #5628 [Flussonic] Playback of very long files transferred by HLS no longer stops in the iddle.
- #5674 [Flussonic] The MSE player no longer stops responding after switching the source from WebRTC to file.
- #5776 [Flussonic] The issue with Flussonic not ingesting video from a certain model of NVR was resolved.
- #5851 [Flussonic] Notification settings without name are no longer saved.
- #5862 [Flussonic] Requesting of video via HLS in the range out of a recorded range no longer causes the player to stop responding.
- #5865 [Flussonic] The DVR replication mechanism was rewritten to prevent excessive traffic in some situations.
- #5902 [Flussonic] An issue with video playback (it stopped for a few seconds and then sped up above normal) was resolved.
- #5906 [Flussonic] Changing the priority of a stream’s source via SQL API now works correctly.
- #5911 [Flussonic] Archive export to MP4 now works even if no recordings existed for the selected time interval.
- #6032 [Flussonic] Flussonic can start in Docker containers using systemd.
- #6090 [Flussonic] An issue in the UDP capture mechanism was resolved, Flussonic no longer fails to start because of that issue.
- #4404 [Watcher] Now it is possible to add a camera with a streamer that is offline.
- #5234 [Watcher] Dashboard and cameras are now displayed correctly if no map center coordinates were specified in Watcher configuration.
- #5639 [Watcher] Localization of the Watcher UI was improved.
- #6035 [Watcher] API v2 requests now support Cyrillic characters in the Search parameter.
- #4882 [Watcher] The player in embed.html no longer stops responding when opening an archive for a camera that sent too many events about detected motion (hundreds of them in an hour).
- #5219 [Watcher] In Watcher working in the cluster mode newly added cameras are no longer disabled by default.
- #5642 [Watcher] Import of cameras by using API v2 now works with any Content-Type.
- #5644 [Watcher] The issue with wider users rights in the new Watcher UI was resolved.
- #5645 [Watcher] The login of a newly added user no longer auto-filled with the login of the current user.
- #5773 [Watcher] Cameras are now added correctly via the new Watcher UI that works with a cluster of streamers.
- #5811 [Watcher] Cameras are now successfully added to a mosaic in Mosaics.
- #5824 [Watcher] The look of the list of users was improved (some labels removed).
- #5953 [Watcher] The migration script now correctly handles invalid credentials for accessing the database.
- #5954 [Watcher] The migration script now produces shorter INFO messages.
- #5993 [Watcher] The Events link is always displayed now in Cameras in the Watcher UI because Watcher can now receive events without using the camera_alarm plugin.
- #5996 [Watcher] An issue with deleting of cameras through API v2 was resolved.
- #5998 [Watcher] API v2 supports two types of brackets for bodies of event-related requests, {} and [{}].
- #5929 [Watcher] An issue with push notifications was resolved.
- #5972 [Watcher] Flussonic’s HTTP API can provision event-related settings to streamers.
- #5840 [Watcher] The issue with check boxes in the UI not working was resolved.
- #6006 [Watcher] The issue with push notifications not being sent is now resolved.
- #5891 [Mobile Watcher] The issue with starting the player on Android was resolved.
- #6062 [Mobile Watcher] The app for Android no longer stops when certain events are sent to it.
- #6100 [Statistics] Server hostnames and IP addresses no longer disappear from the list of servers in Account > Servers.
We have released Flussonic 18.06

Flussonic Watcher users now can configure collecting motion events from IP camera and get push on mobile application for event.
There are several other important changes like audio correction for seamless DASH playback, multibitrate capturing in Watcher and so on.
Full list of changes:
We’ve release Flussonic 18.05

We’ve released Flussonic 18.04

If you are using Watcher, you can create admin groups.
We’ve started adding the SIP doorbells support. It is possible to register doorbell on flussonic and record video.
A lot of work has been made on DASH stability. This fragile protocol requires lot of work and we’ve done it. Glad to help CDN77 with it.
Don’t forget our MP4 precise export feature. Now it is gop-precise, not segment-precise.
We have released version 18.03 Yes, the previous version was 4.7.3 and the new one is 18.03 We have changed to Ubuntu-style versioning with year and month because we are making releases once per month, so it seems to be more convenient to use such versioning.

With 18.03 you can try new beta VOD watermarking feature. It means that Flussonic will on-fly add unique watermark to each session. All users will get unique content and if it leaks, you will be able to find who have done it. Contact us via support tickets to test it.
The DASH protocol has got working rewind playlists. It was very hard to add it properly due to extreme fragility of the player, but Shaka will now show live with capability to seek back one, two or more hours.
If you have a transcoder that outputs several UDP streams with different qualities and they are desynced, Flussonic can sync them back. Add option mbr=1 sync=same to several udp inputs. It is working excellently with our DVB -> WebVTT recoginition module: the user gets multibitrate HLS with WebVTT subtitles.
We have opensourced two of our components: MSE low delay player that allows playing video on HTML5 without plugins, Flash or WebRTC and our core Erlang library sqlapi that is used for delivering Flussonic SQL API.
The full per-ticket changelog is below:
* #1381 added DVB subtitle recognition to WebVTT * #3490 dvr player timeline: implemented friendly behaviour when clicked to empty range * #3733 enhance agent authentication on hikvison cameras * #4394 VOD per-session watermarking * #4542 fix appearance deformations of video tag in some browsers * #4557 fix back jumps in DVR playback * #4693 track filter for HLS and DASH via QS ?filter=tracks:v1v3a2t1 * #4771 improve appearance of flussonic player preview for Safari, Firefox browsers * #4824 fix transcoder overload logic * #4848 changed HTTP method for connecting to license server to bypass through DPI * #4859 ?realtime=true HLS.js fallback for ios * #4933 flussonic player: fix first run ondemand stream isn’t playing * #4939 autoselecting default H265 encoding level * #4991 fix memleak in mse_ld handler on slow links * #5133 dvr player: improve processing timeline empty ranges * #5136 enable back GPU statistics and graphics * #5149 reset video thumbnail after source death * #5151 [Watcher] Fixed incorrect link to user’s cameras * #5152 fixed nvenc logo on old GPU cards * #5161 DVR gap now creates a new period in DASH rewind manifest * #5169 write_file, read_file funcs in lua scripting api * #5171 [Agent] support for kendom kd-iw7030mf-ip25 camera * #5174 handle slow RTSP client overflow * #5186 fix dvr player timeline visible area jumping to cursor while zooming/scrolling * #5207 [Watcher] Fixed failover mechanism * #5209 properly launch QSV when has also NVidia * #5220 better escaping of token in HLS playlist * #5221 ram tables in SQLAPI * #5222 huge refactoring of internal DVR ram and disk cache. Faster and more stable. * #5226 fix degradation of ondemand jpeg on DVR * #5229 added SQLAPI syntax limit OFFSET, LIMIT * #5236 properly handle RTSP requests without path * #5239 [Watcher] Cluster Watcher does not ignore default streamer when provisioning cameras via import API * #5245 better generating HLS from DVR with pcma * #5248 now flussonic will not hang on shutdown * #5250 ?realtime=true HLS.js fallback for android * #5252 hls flussonic source will no more be a source for DVR * #5260 [Watcher] Some performance improvements on camera provisioning mechanism * #5264 [Watcher] When working in ‘single’ mode, Watcher now does not use server’s hostname as streampoint for Flussonic Agent * #5275 mse-player: created public repo at https://github.com/flussonic/mse-player * #5282 [Watcher] Fixed incorrect counter of owned cameras * #5283 MBR improvements: realtime DTS/PTS mpegts_reader binding, manual shift= source offset, sync=same align-by-audio-frames algorithm * #5287 mse-player: implement seek via websocket * #5289 m4f now is properly using cluster authentication when common authorization is enabled * #5295 flussonic player: support ‘0’ and ‘1’ token parameters * #5296 fix reading encrypted hls streams with key given by reference * #5297 fix flussonic player incorrect processing logo parameter * #5299 improved support for usb keys * #5306 fix dash playback of streams without defined fps * #5308 agent working on Hikvision DS-2CD2022WD-I * #5319 opensourced our SQLAPI https://github.com/flussonic/sqlapi * #5325 per session watermarking takes different watermarks for each qualities * #5330 fix removing hls segments from memory on stream restart * #5338 [Watcher] flussonic-watcher python requirements were updated * #5366 support ac parameter in transcoder * #5384 [Watcher] redirect to dashboard after login in the new watcher interface * #5385 fixed onProgress callback timestamp in MSE dvr player * #5389 mbr now will take all text subtitle tracks from first source * #5391 DASH support for Firefox 59 * #5404 added contrib/mosaic.erl to create mosaic from mp4 files * #5405 more cache-friendly DASH DVR segment urls * #5423 fixed working with USB key lot of opened files * #5427 now will push statistics even if no DNS configured * #5455 reply HTTP 200 on HEAD /stream/mpegts
Flussonic 4.7.3 gets following changes:
We’ve released Flussonic 18.11.

What’s New
Flussonic Media Server
Issues Resolved
Flussonic Media Server
Mobile Watcher
- #7000 [Flussonic] Chrome can use TLS 1.2 and we added the support for TLS 1.2 to the Flussonic web interface.
- #3675 [Watcher] The new UI: The Access Log section shows all activity of all users in the UI.
- #6748 [Watcher] Watcher saves data about UI usage sessions.
- #6843 [Watcher] The new UI: Statistics now shows the total number of cameras and the number of active cameras (that sent events during the last hour).
- #6925 [Watcher] Error monitoring on the Sentry server (https://sentry.io/).
- #6950 [Watcher] Partnership with Axis and with Dahua camera manufacturers.
- #6995 [Agent] The support for UNIVIEW IPC2122SR3-PF40-B was added to Flussonic Agent.
- #7004 [Agent] The support for Gwensecurity MC200C2 was added to Flussonic Agent.
- #6998 [Flussonic] Now streams with no_index are never indexed in DVR. For example, if no_index was added after a stream info was written into the index, it will be deleted from the index.
- #7002 [Flussonic] Some work is being done to refactor DVR calls, which will result in even better performance.
- #7020 [Flussonic] A number of problems of 18.10 were solved caused by incorrect calls to DVR for streams without archives.
- #7037 [Flussonic] The playback of DVR archives in the app for Android now works correctly.
- #5599 [Mobile Watcher] We added indication of progress when the app downloads the list of cameras.
- #5895 [Mobile Watcher] Video preview images slowed down the Events page.
- #6737 [Mobile Watcher] Live preview now works on Android 7.0.
- #6807 [Mobile Watcher] The app for iOS no longer shows ‘Camera not found’ message when going from a notification screen back to the player.
- #6816 [Mobile Watcher] Player: At tapping the timeline near live, the player no longer plays live, it now plays the DVR archive (which is the correct behavior).
- #6922 [Mobile Watcher] New player: A tap on a preview did not work on Android.
- #6923 [Mobile Watcher] The app no longer jumps to the login screen if the Internet connection was lost.
- #6938 [Mobile Watcher] Camera list appearance was improved.
- #6978 [Mobile Watcher] Now users get a correct message on the login screen when Watcher does not respond.
- #7014 [Mobile Watcher] In the app for iOS we improved the display of the top navigation bar and head of the menu.
- #7017 [Mobile Watcher] Permissions are taken into account when saving screenshots and fragments of video on iOS.
- #7028 [Mobile Watcher] The use of the player was improved. The timeline no longer disappears when switching from portrait to landscape, events preview works correctly, and correct handling of the situation when user attempts to play an archive from a place without recording.
- #6326 [Watcher] The new UI: An indicator and error message were added for cameras that are not provisioned on any streamer.
- #6547 [Watcher] The new UI: The date in Events now displayed correctly. You’ll see 02.01.2018 instead of 2.1.2018.
- #6799 [Watcher] In Watcher installed for trial purposes (with SQLite) the Statistics section is now disabled in all cases.
- #6866 [Watcher] The new UI: The main menu is now on the left.
- #6909 [Watcher] The new UI: Users without permissions to add cameras no longer can see the Add button.
- #7073 [Watcher] In cluster mode, Statistics is now displayed correctly.