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Recommendations on developing the client application

You can use Flussonic as a signalling server when developing a website or an application for exchanging video and/or audio over WebRTC. For example, it may help you create an app for video conferencing ("many-to-many" connection), a website for conducting webinars or workshops ("one-to-many" connection), etc. Below you will find recommendations on using Flussonic's WebRTC features in your project.

Make sure to configure Flussonic to accept publications from your app, and learn how you can play streams from Flussonic via WebRTC.

To write the code, use the Flussonic WebRTC Player library. It can be installed in one of the ways described below.

The description of the library classes and the example code can be found at npm.

Installing the library components via NPM and webpack

To import our library to your project with webpack, download the package:

npm install --save @flussonic/flussonic-webrtc-player

Then import components to your application:

import {
} from "@flussonic/flussonic-webrtc-player";

See also the demo application.

Installing the library components without NPM and webpack

Add this line to the script section of your HTML page:

<script src=""></script>

The example of a webpage containing the player code is below.

Player examples — with Webpack and without Webpack

Our demo application that uses Webpack to import components:

  • Sample app with Webpack and our WebRTC player.

    In this example, the components are imported by Webpack into the application. You can download the application code and study how the player is implemented.

    Demo WebRTC player on JavaScript that obtains components via <script>:

  • The Flussonic WebRTC player library code for implementing the WebRTC player is available in the CDN, and you can import it to your web page. To do this, add the following line to the script section of your HTML file <script src=""></script>.

The example of a page with the player in JavaScript (the similar code is included in the demo application):

<!DOCTYPE html>

      .app {
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;
        justify-content: space-between;
        height: calc(100vh - 16px);
      .container {
        margin-bottom: 32px;
      .video-container {
        display: flex;
      .controls {
      .config {
      #player {
        width: 640px; height: 480px; border-radius: 1px
      .button {
        height: 20px;
        width: 96px;
      .preview {
        position: absolute;
        right: 0;
        bottom: 0;
        z-index: 100;

      .preview-text {
        position: absolute;
        left: 0;
        top: 0;
        padding: 8px;
        background: black;
        color: white;
        z-index: 10;

      #preview-video {
        width: 320px;
        height: auto;
        max-width: 320px;
        max-height: 240px;
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="app">
    <div class="preview">
        <div class="preview-text">preview</div>
        <video id="preview-video" controls="false" muted autoplay playsinline />
      <div class="video-container">
        <pre id="debug"></pre>

    <div class="container">
      <div class="config" id="config">
        <span id="hostContainer">
          <label for="host">Host: </label><input name="host" id="host" value="" />
        <span id="nameContainer">
          <label for="name">Stream: </label><input name="name" id="name" value="" />
      <div class="controls" id="controls">
        <select id="quality">
          <option value="4:3:240">4:3 320x240</option>
          <option value="4:3:360">4:3 480x360</option>
          <option value="4:3:480">4:3 640x480</option>
          <option value="16:9:360" selected>16:9 640x360</option>
          <option value="16:9:540">16:9 960x540</option>
          <option value="16:9:720">16:9 1280x720 HD</option>
        <button id="publish" class="button">Publish</button>
        <button id="play" class="button">Play</button>
        <button id="stop" class="button">Stop all</button>
      <div class="errorMessageContainer" id="errorMessageContainer"></div>

    let wrtcPlayer = null;
    let publisher = null;

    const { Player, Publisher, PUBLISHER_EVENTS, PLAYER_EVENTS } = this.FlussonicWebRTC; 

    const getHostElement = () => document.getElementById('host');
    const getHostContainerElement = () => document.getElementById('hostContainer');
    const getNameElement = () => document.getElementById('name');
    const getNameContainerElement = () => document.getElementById('nameContainer');
    const getPlayerElement = () => document.getElementById('player');
    const getPlayElement = () => document.getElementById('play');
    const getPublishElement = () => document.getElementById('publish');
    const getStopElement = () => document.getElementById('stop');
    const getQualityElement = () => document.getElementById('stop');

    const getStreamUrl = (
      hostElement = getHostElement(),
      nameElement = getNameElement(),
    ) =>
      `${hostElement && hostElement.value}/${nameElement && nameElement.value}`;
    const getPublisherOpts = () => {
      const [, , height] = document.getElementById('quality').value.split(/:/);
      return {
        preview: document.getElementById('preview-video'),
        constraints: {
          // video: {
          //   height: { exact: height }
          // },
          video: true,
          audio: true,
        canvasCallback: (canvasElement) => {
            window.myCanvasElement = canvasElement;

    const getPlayer = (
      playerElement = getPlayerElement(),
      streamUrl = getStreamUrl(),
      playerOpts = {
        retryMax: 10,
        retryDelay: 1000,
      shouldLog = true,
      log = (...defaultMessages) => (...passedMessages) =>
        console.log(...[...defaultMessages, ...passedMessages]),
    ) => {
      const player = new Player(playerElement, streamUrl, playerOpts, true);
      player.on(PLAYER_EVENTS.PLAY, log('Started playing', streamUrl));
      player.on(PLAYER_EVENTS.DEBUG, log('Debugging play'));
      return player;

    const stopPublishing = () => {
      if (publisher) {
        publisher.stop && publisher.stop();
        publisher = null;

    const stopPlaying = () => {
      if (wrtcPlayer) {
        wrtcPlayer.destroy && wrtcPlayer.destroy();
        wrtcPlayer = null;

    const stop = () => {

      getPublishElement().innerText = 'Publish';
      getPlayElement().innerText = 'Play';

    const play = () => {
      wrtcPlayer = getPlayer();
      getPlayElement().innerText = 'Playing...';;

    const publish = () => {
      if (publisher) publisher.stop();

      publisher = new Publisher(getStreamUrl(), getPublisherOpts(), true);
      publisher.on(PUBLISHER_EVENTS.STREAMING, streaming);

    const setDefaultValues = () => {
        getHostElement().value =;
        getNameElement().value =;

    const setEventListeners = () => {
      // Set event listeners
      getPublishElement().addEventListener('click', publish);
      getPlayElement().addEventListener('click', play);
      getStopElement().addEventListener('click', stop);
      getQualityElement().onchange = publish;

    const main = () => {

    const streaming = () => {
        getPublishElement().innerText = 'Publishing...';
        getPublishElement().disabled = true;

        // drawing on publishing canvas
        if (window.myCanvasElement) {
          const ctx = window.myCanvasElement.getContext('2d', { alpha: false });
          ctx.filter = 'sepia(0.75)'; // Testing filters
          ctx.font = '128px sans-serif';
          ctx.fillStyle = 'white';
          ctx.textAlign = 'center';
          ctx.textBaseline = 'center';
          (function loop() {
              `It's publishing to Flussonic!`,
              window.myCanvasElement.width / 2,
              window.myCanvasElement.height / 2,
              window.myCanvasElement.width - 100,
            setTimeout(requestAnimationFrame(loop), 1000 / 30); // drawing at 30fps

    window.addEventListener('load', main);

Copy this code to a file, for example index.html, and open in the browser to check how the player works.