Central 24.10

24.10 Central

This month, we continued improving the performance of Flussonic Central and Watcher in Kubernetes, as well as simplifying log collection for better monitoring of our services.

Track available storage volume for DVR

We’ve added the storage metric to the cluster_stats_get operation, which shows how much disk space is already occupied.

Retrieve Agent logs

Now, the Central API includes the ability to retrieve logs from a specific Agent—helpful for determining, for example, why an agent cannot connect to a streampoint. You can do this using the new endpoint.

Track state changes in streamer_streams_list

We’ve added a new field, ‘updated_at’, to ‘config_external,’ which shows the last time the state was updated. Now, you no longer need to constantly request and process the entire stream list to see changes.

Read more about all improvements and bug fixes in the changelog.
We are always happy to answer your questions: support@flussonic.com.