

  1. Flussonic Agent is now available for MSTAR MSC 335.

What’s new in Flussonic ver. 21.05

  1. All the NVIDIA® performance statistics are now available on the same page in the Pulse database. In one step you will know the GPU usage, the GPU temperature, the Decoder usage, and the Encoder usage.

  2. Native Prometheus support: you do not have to configure any agent. Access to metrics for the month, or even go far back in time, configure alerts about falling and exceeding traffic, servers overload and unavailable streams.

  3. Set up the recording schedule via the web interface.

  4. You do not have to modify the manifest anymore! Receive HLS and DASH ready for the players. Flussonic signals the presence and properties of CEA-608/708 closed captions.

  5. The DVBscan utility can produce JSON structure of the whole satellite when the list of frequencies is provided.

  6. Now you can get the new Flussonic version through the web interface with just one button.

  7. The change volume option is also available in the web interface now. It’s easy to change the volume levels of the transcoded stream to the desired level.

  8. SRT ingest & SRT play: already available.

note 21.04