Cifra and Flussonic start common integration of IPTV/OTT services
Cifra and Flussonic start common integration of IPTV/OTT services
Software integrator and developer Cifra has joined forces with Flussonic, a leading player in the video delivery and transcoding market.

The companies have launched a collaborative project involving the installation of DRM (Digital Right Management) systems and IPTV Middleware on our client’s devices with the Flussonic Media Server broadcasting platform. The integrated solution will make it possible to offer commercial OTT or IPTV streaming. It supports Live TV, CatchUP, CatchForward, TimeShift, StartOver and VoD. The project will ensure a seamless interaction at the stage of data transfer from content producers to users, and will make the process more flexible while facilitating content monetization for operators and copyright holders.
Cifra is a software integrator and a major equipment supplier specializing in the development and implementation of cutting-edge technologies in areas of digital television, content protection, multimedia services and applications as well as the organization of turn-key digital broadcasting. As the copyright holder of Conditional Access System DRECrypt (CAS DRECrypt), the company occupies a leading position on the market of TV content control systems and protection of content from unauthorized access.
Flussonic has been developing software since 2010 and has established itself as a key player in the video delivery and transcoding market, enabling to successfully compete with international rivals. Flussonic software is used by many international clients, who have remained loyal to the company since its inception. Flussonic’s principal line of business is the development of innovative products, which currently includes Media Server (a server-based solution for video transcoding, storage and delivery), and Watcher (a comprehensive solution for video and IP surveillance with analytical capabilities such as facial and car recognition).