Great Flussonic debut at CAPER 2022 in Buenos Aires, Argentina

After more than two years of absence, due to the global health emergency, the world-renowned CAPER Fair returned to Buenos Aires, Argentina.
From November 1st to the 3rd, more than 5,000 participants gathered at the Costa Salguero Center for an exhibition that brought together professionals from the Audiovisual Industry -Broadcast, Cable, Satellite, Cinema, Lighting and Audio- that during three days attended the training sessions, workshops, seminars, master classes, conferences and live demos.
Since 1992, the year in which the first show was held, CAPER has become an event of great international reputation attended by thousands of directors, professionals, technicians, teachers, and students related to the Professional Audiovisual Industry in Argentina and throughout Latin America. One of the great attractions of this event is that, according to its organisers, more than 80% of the participants are related to the purchasing processes in their companies.
This year Flussonic participated in CAPER for the first time and did so hand in hand with its strategic partners in Argentina, Bromteck and Network Broadcast. The companies jointly exhibited their products and services in a spacious stand located in hall B.
According to Esteban Vega, from Network Broadcast’s Marketing Department, “the event for the three participating companies at our stand was a resounding success. Many people attended the Costa Salguero Center and our commercial representatives practically did not stop talking with the attendees who stopped at our location during the three days that the fair lasted. People wanted to get together in person after the pandemic.”
Flussonic exhibited its two flagship products: Media Server and Coder and we are pleased to report that the feedback and uptake was exceptional to the point that we ran out of informational materials we had brought to distribute to potential clients.
We are leaving CAPER 2022 with suitcases full of knowledge, good memories, and many business contacts. We hope to return next year to present the new updates we are currently working on. We are also pleased to announce that this coming 2023 we will be attending many more fairs in the region. See you soon!