Search changelog matching documents No matching documents found... January New #40387 Now it is possible to refetch lost DVR from an IP camera with iris firmware on it. Do not lose even a single frame!#42775 Added x-originator to API calls.#43397 Added support for Genlock on Dektec SDI cards.#44478 Stream stats are now saved to the streams7 table.#44605 Added the ability to access the chassis on a separate port.#45821 Added frip muxer to our ffmpeg build.#46004 Changed the mechanism of collecting telemetry of streams to Retroview.#46490 DVR streaming will now read only required tracks from disk, reducing I/O on MBR streams. Improved #26067 Deleted obsolete dvr_only field from schemas.#43548 Upgraded to Erlang 27.1.#45682 Released new Retroview written in Go.#46104 Fixed auto-play functionality for video and audio in the player.#46519 streams7 chunks are now aggregated in a Kubernetes cluster with a single server.#46729 Updated media-server-operator. Fixed #42071 Enhanced support for OVH S3 access.#42432 Now, if a disk is removed from RAID, the assigned part of the DVR will be automatically deleted.#43828 It is now possible to disable asking for unknown streams on config_external server via the x-config-server-dynamic-streams=false header.#45129 Fixed behavior of the thumbnail_url option that was not reconfigured on stream config edit.#45466 Added workarounds for handling broken IP cameras that do not change audio timestamps.#45685 Enhanced OpenTracing instrumentation for the streams_list API call.#45850 Added support for ingesting from an SRT server that cannot support passing the streamid option.#46209 Restored the lost field in the API, which led to an invalid input status in the UI.#46259 Fixed switching the source from inactive to a good one.#46315 Fixed search by stream name.#46338 Enabled tracing to resolve performance issues.#46387 Fixed switching sources while using the backup option.#46871 Decreased mmap/munmap rate when converting DVR to HLS. New #43404 Added sensor data and the ability to flip the image for iris cameras with the new firmware in the camera_config API.#45163 Created a single login and registration page that requires a phone number and verification code.#45410 Add login enter in ( deploy iOS application to Apple Store.#45670 ( changed logo in iOS application.#46035 Added add and change and delete user rights in folders in API folder_users_list folder_user_get#46222 improve permission checks for the organizations list API to better control the organizations that are given to users. Improved #42020 Added filtering to the camera page in the new interface.#45234 added routes for managing organizations and users in organizations#45689 Removed the dvr_info field from the stats section in the streams_list API.#45933 Changed default episodes view to cards and added saving user-selected view preferences when switching tabs.#46333 added managing routes for users apikey for APIv3.#46412 ( deploy iOS application to App Store.#46698 The dvr data is now being returned to preset. Fixed #37883 The camera title is now correctly displayed in the navigation menu.#45292 We fixed an issue with the API that caused users to not receive error messages when trying to add a stream to a folder or organization that they did not have permission to change. We have also improved the interaction logic when adding and changing streams, organizations, folders, and settings.#45432 Fixed missing Info (i) icon with source codecs and tracks.#45843 fixed issue with cameras list crashes in Android application.#46121 ( fixed issues with previews not available on iOS.#46303 Fixed an issue with installing the flussonic-watcher and watcher-standalone packages by performing a forced migration of the central database prior to launching it.#46382 Fixed the appearance of the streamer and of the image on the preview stream#46556 Now you can set the address where the camera is located. API: Now you can edit the stream comment normally without affecting other settings. New #3411 Added available disk space lookup in Layouter. Now Layouter takes into account available disk space on the streamer when distributing streams.#46151 Сentral layouter is now a separate process that lives in separate systemd unit. Improved #45875 Fixed a bug in central-operator that made it impossible to add a streamer that was outside the k8s cluster.#46538 Optimized database queries to speed up streams_list request. Fixed #46256 Fixed wrong streamer status in cluster_stats_get operation.#46391 Removed deprecated change_reasons.#46752 Added handling of generic episodes with equal opened_at. Now duplicated episode would not be created.