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Viewing Watcher cameras on SMART TV, STB and IPTVPORTAL applications

You can enhance your package of services with the capability to view cameras on such subscriber devices as SMART TV, STB, and mobile applications of IPTVPORTAL.

On this page, we will tell you how to configure playback of video from Flussonic Watcher cameras through the IPTVPORTAL platform.

Before you configure broadcasting, you must have Flussonic Watcher installed, a camera with an archive must be added to it, and there must be an account in the IPTV Portal.

Watcher settings

When requesting video from set-top boxes, user authorization on the IPTVPORTAL must be used. To do this, open /etc/watcher/watcher.conf and add the custom_auth option specifying external authorization:


Where DOMAIN is your domain in IPTVPORTAL; if Middleware is installed locally, use http://SERVER_MIDDLEWARE/auth/flussonic/arescrypt/.


Open the administrative panel of the IPTVPORTAL and add a new web camera (Media > Webcams). When adding a web camera, specify:

  • name

    Enter the name of the camera that will be displayed in the IPTVPORTAL application.

  • mrl

    Link to live broadcast from Watcher. The link should look as follows: http://STREAMER/CAMERA_ID/mpegts, where: * STREAMER - the hostname or IP address of the streamer to which the camera is connected * CAMERA_ID - the camera ID in Watcher

  • auth

    flussonic arescrypt

  • timeshift url

    URL for accessing the camera archive. Specify http://STREAMER/CAMERA_ID, where: * STREAMER - the hostname or IP address of the streamer to which the camera is connected * CAMERA_ID - the camera ID in Watcher

  • archive depth

    Specify the number of days of the archive to be displayed in the IPTV Portal application, for example, 1 days, 0:00:00.

  • timeshift auth

    flussonic arescrypt

  • viewing devices

    In the drop-down list, select those devices on which camera playback will be available:

    • rubrics. In the list the categories, choose where the camera will be added for search in the navigation menu.
    • packages. Select the service packages where this camera will be included.

Now create an IPTVPORTAL user account, assign a package to it, and include in that package the created camera.

Open the client part of IPTVPORTAL to see the live video and archive of this camera.