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Integrating VSAAS.IO billing service and cloud video surveillance service

In this article, you will learn how a provider can implement VSAAS.IO billing service and cloud video surveillance service to sell camera subscriptions and do accounting for subscribers and organizations.

As a provider, do the following:

  1. Sign up to VSAAS.IO account
  2. See typical billing and cloud Watcher usage scenarios

    1. Create a billing plan
    2. Create an organization with a list of available billing plans
    3. Create a user with read-only permissions
    4. Create a user to edit the camera
    5. Remove the user with the permission to edit the camera
    6. Add billing plans to an existing organization
    7. Change the default billing plan
    8. Disable the camera


  • Provider is a customer of Flussonic that rents our billing and cloud-based video surveillance service.
  • Subscriber is a Provider's customer, the user of the service.
  • Preset is a set of DVR and analytics parameters that you can use as a template when creating and configuring cameras. Presets correspond to the billing plans. You should create and configure presets before adding cameras.
  • VSAAS.IO ( is a billing service that manages billing plans of Provider's services to subscribers and payments for using Users in VSAAS.IO are Administrators and accountants who collect information about who owes whom and how much money.
  • is Flussonic Watcher's cloud-based video surveillance service. Provider's customers (organizations) use It defines all technical capabilities of the video surveillance service: management of subscribers' and installers' accounts, cameras and their settings, features of billing plans.

Features of VSAAS.IO and

VSAAS.IO and are different entities. VSAAS.IO communicates with, but not vice versa. This means that you won't get billing data from VSAAS.IO handles billing, and handles cameras.
VSAAS.IO and have their own API. Some methods are available in VSAAS.IO ( and aren't available in and vice versa. For example, in VSAAS.IO ( you can create or modify an organization, while in you can only get organization data.

Billing is calculated once a day around midnight. Do not configure the integration to regularly poll the billing system. New cameras added today will be visible tomorrow.

More details about VSAAS.IO billing here

Signing up a provider to VSAAS.IO account

An account on VSAAS.IO is needed to set up tariffs and issue invoices to subscribers. We create accounts upon request, email us specifying the name of your organization. We will provide you with a domain like, or discuss the possibility of linking your own domain.

In the future, you will be able to log in directly to the personal account using the email from which you sent the request.

Typical billing and cloud Watcher usage scenarios

This section provides scenarios for using VSAAS.IO billing and cloud video surveillance service.

Warning and use the API v1 and v2 accordingly. We will migrate to API v3 to achieve a common format among all products of the Flussonic ecosystem. You can learn about these and other updates from the blog.

Create a billing plan

  1. Log in to your Administrator account at
  2. Create a billing plan by going to the BILLING PLANS tab and clicking CREATE NEW BILLING PLAN. Fill in the form and click SAVE to save the billing plan. The added billing plan along with its start date will be displayed in the list of billing plans under the BILLING PLANS tab.
  3. Look up the billing plan ID by calling the GET method. The billing plan has two IDs: one is for—id and the other one is for—external_id. Use the method for mapping to CRM.

Create an organization with a list of available billing plans

  1. Create an organization by calling the API method POST and specify the domain owner (owner) with a list of required billing plans. This method creates an organization both in billing ( and cloud Watcher ( assigning two different organization IDs. One is for—id and the other one is for—external_id.

Create a user with read-only permissions

Using only the cloud Watcher (

  1. Create a user by calling the API method POST /vsaas/api/v2/users.
  2. Connect the user to the desired organization by calling the API method POST /vsaas/api/v2/organizations/ORGANIZATION-ID/users. You can find out the organization ID by using the get organization list method GET /vsaas/api/v2/organizations.
  3. Get the camera folder ID using the API method to get a list of organization folders GET vsaas/api/v2/organizations/ORGANIZATION-ID/folders.
  4. Grant permissions in the folders of the desired organization to the user by calling the API method POST /vsaas/api/v2/organizations/ORGANIZATION-ID/folders/FOLDER-ID/users.
  5. Remove the user from the default organization by calling the API method DELETE /vsaas/api/v2/organizations/ORGANIZATION-ID/users/USER-ID. Now the subscriber is assigned to the correct organization.

Create a user to edit the camera

The camera installer is the example of a user to edit the camera.

Accessing cloud Watcher ( only.


The difference between creating a user for camera installation and creating a user for a subscriber with read-only permissions is that when the user connects to an organization, the user is given special permissions to add cameras (see step 2).

  1. Create a user by calling the API method POST /vsaas/api/v2/users.
  2. Connect a user with special permission to add cameras: “can_edit_organization_cameras”: true to the organization. To do this, call the API method POST /vsaas/api/v2/organizations/ORGANIZATION-ID/users. You can find out the organization ID by using the get organization list method GET /vsaas/api/v2/organizations.
  3. Get the camera folder ID using the API method to get a list of organization folders GET vsaas/api/v2/organizations/ORGANIZATION-ID/folders.
  4. Grant permissions in the folders of the desired organization to the user by calling the API method POST /vsaas/api/v2/organizations/ORGANIZATION-ID/folders/FOLDER-ID/users.
  5. Remove the user from the default organization by calling the API method DELETE /vsaas/api/v2/organizations/ORGANIZATION-ID/users/USER-ID. Now the subscriber is assigned to the correct organization.

Remove the user with the permission to edit the camera

Remove a user with special permission to edit cameras (installer) using the API method DELETE '/vsaas/api/v2/users/USER-ID.

Add billing plans to an existing organization

Update the organization's billing plans using the API method PUT /organizations/ORGANIZATION-ID.

Change the default billing plan

  1. Log in to your Administrator account at
  2. Create a billing plan by going to the BILLING PLANS tab and clicking CREATE NEW BILLING PLAN. Fill in the form and check Apply to Organisations by default.
  3. Save the billing plan by clicking SAVE. The new billing plan along with its start date will be displayed in the list of billing plans under the BILLING PLANS tab.

The previous default billing plan moves to the regular billing plans because there can only be one default billing plan.

Disable the camera

There are two ways to do this:

  • Using the VSAAS.IO web interface.

    1. Log in to the Administrator account in
    2. Move to the My cameras tab.
    3. Click the settings of the desired camera (gear icon), find the SETTING OPTIONS, and uncheck the Enabled checkbox.
    4. Save the settings by clicking Save or pressing Ctrl+S.
  • Using the API.

    Use the PUT vsaas/api/v2/cameras/OBJECT-ID method.


API v1 for billing VSAAS.IO.


Only the domain owner and Administrator can make requests to the VSAAS.IO API.

All requests to VSAAS.IO API require authorization with:

  • domain ID (X-DOMAIN-ID: 000). Ask your manager for the domain ID.

Billing plans

Managing billing plans in

Get a list of all available billing plans

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-DOMAIN-ID: 000" \
-X GET ''

Response example:

  "tariff_plans": [
      "id": 549,
      "name": "Test plan",
      "date_from": "27/04/2024",
      "full_price": "100.0 USD",
      "status": "Active",
      "external_id": 392
      "id": 548,
      "name": "Default",
      "date_from": "27/04/2024",
      "full_price": "0.0 USD",
      "status": "Active",
      "external_id": 391


Managing organizations in

Get a list of all available organizations or data on a specific organization

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-DOMAIN-ID: 000" \
-X GET ''

Response example:

  "organizations": [
      "id": 736,
      "title": "My organization",
      "domain": {
        "id": 247,
        "title": "YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME"
      "owner": {
        "id": 410,
        "email": ""
      "discount": "0%",
      "trial_expired_at": "",
      "external_id": 753,
      "tariff_plans": [
          "id": 548,
          "name": "Default",
          "date_from": "27/04/2024",
          "full_price": "0.0 USD",
          "status": "Active",
          "external_id": 391

Add the organization with billing plans or without them

This call creates an organization in both VSAAS.IO and with a default billing plan Default.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-DOMAIN-ID: 000" \
-X POST ''
-d '{"organization": {"title": "Demo org", "owner": "", "tariff_plans": [549]}}'


  • (required) title is the name of the organization.
  • (required) owner is the e-mail address of the owner of the organization. It can be either existing or arbitrary. If you specify an arbitrary address, a new user will be created and an e-mail will be sent to the specified address with a request to confirm it and come up with the password.
  • tariff_plans is the list of billing plan IDs. You can find out the billing plan ID by getting a list of all available billing plans.

Response example:

    "organization": {
        "id": 797,
        "title": "Demo org",
        "domain": {
            "id": 247,
            "title": "YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME"
        "owner": {
            "id": 410,
            "email": ""
        "discount": "0%",
        "trial_expired_at": "",
        "external_id": 774,
        "tariff_plans": [
                "id": 548,
                "name": "Default",
                "date_from": "27/04/2024",
                "full_price": "0.0 USD",
                "status": "Active",
                "external_id": 391
                "id": 549,
                "name": "Test plan",
                "date_from": "27/04/2024",
                "full_price": "100.0 USD",
                "status": "Active",
                "external_id": 392

Modify billing plans of the existing organization

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-DOMAIN-ID: 000" \
-X PUT ''
-d '{"organization": {"tariff_plans": [550]}}'
  • (required) ORGANIZATION-ID is the organization ID.
  • tariff_plans is the list of billing plan IDs. You can find out the billing plan ID by getting a list of all available billing plans. If you pass an empty list, the organization will have no billing plans.

Response example:

    "organization": {
        "id": 797,
        "title": "Unedited org",
        "domain": {
            "id": 247,
            "title": "bikbaeva"
        "owner": {
            "id": 410,
            "email": ""
        "discount": "0%",
        "trial_expired_at": "",
        "external_id": 774,
        "tariff_plans": [
                "id": 548,
                "name": "Default",
                "date_from": "27/04/2024",
                "full_price": "0.0 USD",
                "status": "Active",
                "external_id": 391
                "id": 550,
                "name": "My demo plan",
                "date_from": "02/05/2024",
                "full_price": "1500.0 USD",
                "status": "Active",
                "external_id": 393

Remove the existing organization

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-DOMAIN-ID: 000" \

where ORGANIZATION-ID is the organization ID.

Response: 204 No content API

API v2 fo cloud video surveillance service

In you can set the following permissions for users:

  • edit organization cameras камеры организации ("can_edit_organization_cameras")
  • edit organization users ("can_edit_organization_users")
  • edit organizations ("can_edit_organizations")
  • view cameras
  • view statistics on cameras ("can_view_organization_stats")


Only the domain owner and Administrator can make requests to the VSAAS.IO API.

All requests to the API require authorization by the Administrator API key (x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY). You can copy the Administrator API key from the web interface: Admin > Settings > General Settings > API Key.


Managing cameras in

Get a list of all cameras and their data in the domain

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-USER-API-KEY" \
-X GET ''

where YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME is the domain name.

Response example:

        "name": "camera02-5ca25a2330",
        "onvif_ptz": false,
        "organization_id": 752,
        "stream_url": "fake://fake",
        "substream_url": "",
        "title": "Camera02",
        "user_attributes": {
            "favorite": false,
            "motion_alarm": false
        "video_only": false,
        "transcode_audio": false
        "comment": "",
        "coordinates": "",
        "enabled": false,
        "folder_id": 1155,
        "has_actions": false,
        "last_change": {
            "user": "",
            "domain_id": 143,
            "object_id": "camera02-5ca25a2330",
            "created_at": 1715105180,
            "event_data": {
                "changed_data": {
                    "_enabled": [
            "action_type": "change",
            "object_type": "Camera",
            "request_data": {
                "ip": ",",
                "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
        "motion_detector_enabled": false,
        "permissions": {
            "view": true,
            "edit": true,
            "ptz": true,
            "dvr": true,
            "dvr_depth_limit": null,
            "actions": true
        "postal_address": "",
        "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
        "preset": {
            "domain_id": 143,
            "dvr_depth": 0.0,
            "id": 391,
            "is_adjustable": false,
            "is_default": true,
            "is_deleted": false,
            "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
            "title": "Default",
            "vision_params": {}
        "preset_id": 391,
        "static": true,
        "stream_status": {
            "name": "camera02-5ca25a2330",
            "server": null,
            "alive": false,
            "lifetime": null,
            "bitrate": null,
            "source_error": "no_stream_status",
            "http_port": null,
            "https_port": null


The response returns the ID of the preset, but it does not return the ID of the billing plan defined in the billing system. This means that you need to compare the preset ID with the billing plan ID on your side.

Get the data on the camera

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-USER-API-KEY" \
-X GET ''


Response will be same as on cameras list, but contains only a one element.

Get a list of all cameras and their data in the organization

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-USER-API-KEY" \
-X GET ''


Response example:

        "comment": "",
        "coordinates": "",
        "enabled": false,
        "folder_id": 1155,
        "groups": [],
        "has_actions": false,
        "last_change": {
            "user": "",
            "domain_id": 143,
            "object_id": "camera02-5ca25a2330",
            "created_at": 1715105180,
            "event_data": {
                "changed_data": {
                    "_enabled": [
                    "extra_config": [
                            "video_only": false,
                            "transcode_audio": false
            "action_type": "change",
            "object_repr": "<CloudStream camera02-5ca25a2330>",
            "object_type": "Camera",
            "request_data": {
                "ip": ",",
                "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
        "motion_detector_enabled": false,
        "name": "camera02-5ca25a2330",
        "onvif_ptz": false,
        "organization_id": 752,
        "permissions": {
            "view": true,
            "edit": true,
            "ptz": true,
            "dvr": true,
            "dvr_depth_limit": null,
            "actions": true
        "playback_config": {
            "token": "3.sJXDwZNHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAjylfLugHFgvX5iaFryiQBGFeBkLA"
        "postal_address": "",
        "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
        "preset": {
            "domain_id": 143,
            "dvr_depth": 0.0,
            "id": 391,
            "is_adjustable": false,
            "is_default": true,
            "is_deleted": false,
            "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
            "title": "Default",
            "vision_params": {}
        "preset_id": 391,
        "static": true,
        "stream_status": {
            "name": "camera02-5ca25a2330",
            "server": null,
            "alive": false,
            "lifetime": null,
            "bitrate": null,
            "source_error": "no_stream_status",
            "http_port": null,
            "https_port": null
        "stream_url": "fake://fake",
        "provision_required": false,
        "substream_url": "",
        "thumbnails": false,
        "title": "Camera02",
        "user_attributes": {
            "favorite": false,
            "motion_alarm": false
        "video_only": false,
        "transcode_audio": false
        "comment": "",
        "coordinates": "",
        "enabled": true,
        "folder_id": 1155,
        "groups": [],
        "has_actions": false,
        "last_change": {
            "user": "",
            "domain_id": 143,
            "object_id": "camera05-6f057b160a",
            "created_at": 1714737887,
            "event_data": {
                "changed_data": {
                    "extra_config": [
                            "video_only": false,
                            "transcode_audio": false
            "action_type": "change",
            "object_repr": "<CloudStream camera05-6f057b160a>",
            "object_type": "Camera",
            "request_data": {
                "ip": ",",
                "user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36"
        "motion_detector_enabled": false,
        "name": "camera05-6f057b160a",
        "onvif_ptz": false,
        "organization_id": 752,
        "permissions": {
            "view": true,
            "edit": true,
            "ptz": true,
            "dvr": true,
            "dvr_depth_limit": null,
            "actions": true
        "playback_config": {
            "token": "3.sJXDwZNHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAj9odoI-86sxLhc4uyZT9PcR5TedY"
        "postal_address": "",
        "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
        "preset": {
            "domain_id": 143,
            "dvr_depth": 0.0,
            "id": 391,
            "is_adjustable": false,
            "is_default": true,
            "is_deleted": false,
            "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
            "title": "Default",
            "vision_params": {}
        "preset_id": 391,
        "static": true,
        "stream_status": {
            "name": "camera05-6f057b160a",
            "server": "",
            "alive": true,
            "lifetime": 385264839,
            "bitrate": 196,
            "source_error": null,
            "http_port": null,
            "https_port": null
        "stream_url": "fake://fake",
        "streamer_hostname": "",
        "provision_required": false,
        "substream_url": "",
        "thumbnails": false,
        "title": "Camera05",
        "user_attributes": {
            "favorite": false,
            "motion_alarm": false
        "video_only": false,
        "transcode_audio": false

Change the billing plan for the camera

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X PUT ''
--data '{"preset_id": 526}'


Response example:

    "comment": "",
    "coordinates": "",
    "enabled": true,
    "folder_id": 1179,
    "groups": [],
    "has_actions": false,
    "last_change": {
        "user": "domain_143_via_apikey",
        "domain_id": 143,
        "object_id": "cam-10-9bdbc979dd",
        "created_at": 1715128188,
        "event_data": {
            "changed_data": {
                "preset": [
                    "<Preset #393 My demo plan>",
                    "<Preset #391 Default>"
                "dvr_depth": [
                "dvr_space": [
                "preset_id": [
        "action_type": "change",
        "object_repr": "<CloudStream cam-10-9bdbc979dd>",
        "object_type": "Camera",
        "request_data": {
            "ip": ",",
            "user_agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.1"
    "motion_detector_enabled": false,
    "name": "cam-10-9bdbc979dd",
    "onvif_ptz": false,
    "organization_id": 774,
    "permissions": {
        "view": true,
        "edit": true,
        "ptz": true,
        "dvr": true,
        "dvr_depth_limit": null,
        "actions": true
    "playback_config": {
        "token": "3.sJXDwZNHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAj2eRzt7bH5sYfDpRVJ4jlfvwAO4o"
    "postal_address": "",
    "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
    "preset": {
        "domain_id": 143,
        "dvr_depth": 0.0,
        "id": 391,
        "is_adjustable": false,
        "is_default": true,
        "is_deleted": false,
        "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
        "title": "Default",
        "vision_params": {}
    "preset_id": 391,
    "static": true,
    "stream_status": {
        "name": "cam-10-9bdbc979dd",
        "server": "",
        "alive": true,
        "lifetime": 730640,
        "bitrate": 194,
        "source_error": null,
        "http_port": null,
        "https_port": null
    "stream_url": "fake://fake",
    "streamer_hostname": "",
    "provision_required": false,
    "substream_url": "",
    "thumbnails": false,
    "title": "cam-10",
    "user_attributes": {
        "favorite": false,
        "motion_alarm": false
    "video_only": false,
    "transcode_audio": false

Disable the camera

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X PUT ''
--data '{"enabled": false}'


Response example:

    "comment": "",
    "coordinates": "",
    "enabled": false,
    "folder_id": 1156,
    "groups": [],
    "has_actions": false,
    "last_change": {
        "user": "domain_143_via_apikey",
        "domain_id": 143,
        "object_id": "demo-cam-219c36899q",
        "created_at": 1715103531,
        "event_data": {
            "changed_data": {
                "_enabled": [
        "action_type": "change",
        "object_repr": "<CloudStream demo-cam-219c36899q>",
        "object_type": "Camera",
        "request_data": {
            "ip": ",",
            "user_agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.1"
    "motion_detector_enabled": false,
    "name": "demo-cam-219c36899q",
    "onvif_ptz": false,
    "organization_id": 753,
    "permissions": {
        "view": true,
        "edit": true,
        "ptz": true,
        "dvr": true,
        "dvr_depth_limit": null,
        "actions": true
    "playback_config": {
        "token": "3.sJXDwZNHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAj5fUIZsybhtcpRTPPwzvGGht3iDs"
    "postal_address": "",
    "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
    "preset": {
        "domain_id": 143,
        "dvr_depth": 0.0,
        "id": 391,
        "is_adjustable": false,
        "is_default": true,
        "is_deleted": false,
        "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
        "title": "Default",
        "vision_params": {}
    "preset_id": 391,
    "static": true,
    "stream_status": {
        "name": "demo-cam-219c36899q",
        "server": null,
        "alive": false,
        "lifetime": null,
        "bitrate": null,
        "source_error": "no_stream_status",
        "http_port": null,
        "https_port": null
    "stream_url": "fake://fake",
    "streamer_hostname": "",
    "provision_required": false,
    "substream_url": "",
    "thumbnails": false,
    "title": "demo-cam",
    "user_attributes": {
        "favorite": false,
        "motion_alarm": false
    "video_only": false,
    "transcode_audio": false

Enable the camera

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X PUT ''
--data '{"enabled": true}'


Response example:

    "comment": "",
    "coordinates": "",
    "enabled": true,
    "folder_id": 1156,
    "groups": [],
    "has_actions": false,
    "last_change": {
        "user": "domain_143_via_apikey",
        "domain_id": 143,
        "object_id": "demo-cam-219c36899q",
        "created_at": 1715128546,
        "event_data": {
            "changed_data": {
                "_enabled": [
        "action_type": "change",
        "object_repr": "<CloudStream alexandra-bikbaeva-cam-227c37899f>",
        "object_type": "Camera",
        "request_data": {
            "ip": ",",
            "user_agent": "PostmanRuntime/7.32.1"
    "motion_detector_enabled": false,
    "name": "demo-cam-219c36899q",
    "onvif_ptz": false,
    "organization_id": 753,
    "permissions": {
        "view": true,
        "edit": true,
        "ptz": true,
        "dvr": true,
        "dvr_depth_limit": null,
        "actions": true
    "playback_config": {
        "token": "3.sJXDwZNHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAj5fUIZsqbhtcpRTPPszvGGht3iDs"
    "postal_address": "",
    "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
    "preset": {
        "domain_id": 143,
        "dvr_depth": 0.0,
        "id": 391,
        "is_adjustable": false,
        "is_default": true,
        "is_deleted": false,
        "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
        "title": "Default",
        "vision_params": {}
    "preset_id": 391,
    "static": true,
    "stream_status": {
        "name": "demo-cam-219c36899q",
        "server": null,
        "alive": true,
        "lifetime": 145967640,
        "bitrate": 202,
        "source_error": null,
        "http_port": null,
        "https_port": null
    "stream_url": "fake://fake",
    "provision_required": false,
    "substream_url": "",
    "thumbnails": false,
    "title": "demo-cam",
    "user_attributes": {
        "favorite": false,
        "motion_alarm": false
    "video_only": false,
    "transcode_audio": false


Managing users in

Get a list of all users

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY" \
-X GET ''

where YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME is the domain name.

Response example:

    "id": 1297,
    "domain_id": 111,
    "login": "",
    "apikey": "ajG3NIzOt2CjUyRoWyVeh2U9",
    "is_admin": false,
    "authorized_ip": null,
    "enabled": true,
    "readonly": false,
    "monitoring": false,
    "name": null,
    "locale": "",
    "note": null,
    "phone": null,
    "notification_email": null,
    "external_id": null,
    "max_sessions": null,
    "can_edit_organizations": false,
    "can_edit_settings": true,
    "can_view_organizations": true,
    "organizations": [
    "id": 1298,
    "domain_id": 111,
    "login": "",
    "apikey": null,
    "is_admin": false,
    "authorized_ip": null,
    "enabled": true,
    "readonly": false,
    "monitoring": false,
    "name": "",
    "locale": "en",
    "note": "",
    "phone": null,
    "notification_email": null,
    "external_id": null,
    "max_sessions": null,
    "can_edit_organizations": false,
    "can_edit_settings": false,
    "can_view_organizations": false,
    "organizations": [

Create a user

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X POST ''
--data-raw '{
    "login": "",
    "password": "qwe123"


  • login is the unique username.
  • password is the password for the user.

Response example:

    "id": 1377,
    "domain_id": 143,
    "login": "",
    "apikey": null,
    "is_admin": false,
    "authorized_ip": null,
    "enabled": true,
    "readonly": false,
    "monitoring": false,
    "name": null,
    "locale": "",
    "note": null,
    "phone": null,
    "notification_email": null,
    "external_id": null,
    "max_sessions": null,
    "can_edit_organizations": false,
    "can_edit_settings": false,
    "can_view_organizations": false,
    "organizations": [

The new user is automatically assigned to the default Unassigned cameras organization.

Remove a user

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY" \

where YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME is the domain name.


    "success": true


Managing organizations in

Get a list of all organizations

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-USER-API-KEY" \
-X GET ''

where YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME is the domain name.

Response example:

        "domain": {
            "title": "YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME",
            "id": 143
        "title": "My organization",
        "mosaic_count": 0,
        "camera_count": 4,
        "owner": {
            "login": "",
            "id": 1179
        "can_view_stats": true,
        "can_edit_cameras": true,
        "camera_limit": 1000,
        "dvr_limit": 100,
        "can_edit_users": true,
        "id": 753,
        "user_count": 2,
        "is_member": false,
        "user_limit": 1000,
        "is_default": false
        "domain": {
            "title": "YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME",
            "id": 143
        "title": "Unassigned cameras",
        "mosaic_count": 0,
        "camera_count": 2,
        "owner": {
            "login": "",
            "id": 1179
        "can_view_stats": true,
        "can_edit_cameras": true,
        "camera_limit": 1000,
        "dvr_limit": 100,
        "can_edit_users": true,
        "id": 752,
        "user_count": 1,
        "is_member": false,
        "user_limit": 1000,
        "is_default": true

Get a list of all available billing plans for the organization

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-USER-API-KEY" \
-X GET ''


Response example:

        "organization_id": null,
        "preset": {
            "dvr_depth": 0.0,
            "dvr_lock_days": null,
            "vision_params": {},
            "vision_gpu": null,
            "vision_alg": null,
            "is_deleted": false,
            "vision_enabled": null,
            "is_adjustable": false,
            "precise_thumbnails_days": 0,
            "id": 391,
            "title": "Default",
            "dvr_space": null,
            "vision_areas": null
        "domain_id": 143,
        "id": null,
        "preset_id": 391

Users in organization

Managing users in organization in

Get a list of all users of the organization

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-USER-API-KEY" \
-X GET ''


Response example:

        "notification_email": null,
        "can_view_organization_stats": true,
        "can_view_organization_plists": true,
        "login": "",
        "can_edit_organization_cameras": true,
        "can_edit_organization_plists": true,
        "user_id": 1297,
        "folders_permissions": [],
        "can_edit_organization_users": true
        "notification_email": null,
        "can_view_organization_stats": false,
        "can_view_organization_plists": false,
        "login": "",
        "can_edit_organization_cameras": false,
        "can_edit_organization_plists": false,
        "user_id": 1377,
        "folders_permissions": [],
        "can_edit_organization_users": false

Assign the user with read-only permissions to the organization

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X POST ''
--data '{
    "user_id": 1378


Response example:

    "notification_email": null,
    "can_view_organization_stats": false,
    "can_view_organization_plists": false,
    "login": "",
    "can_edit_organization_cameras": false,
    "can_edit_organization_plists": false,
    "user_id": 1378,
    "folders_permissions": [],
    "can_edit_organization_users": false

The user has no permissions, not even the permission to view cameras: "folders_permissions": [].

Assign the user with permissions to edit the camera to the organization

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X POST ''
--data '{
    "user_id": 1377,
    "can_edit_organization_cameras": true


Response example:

    "notification_email": null,
    "can_view_organization_stats": false,
    "can_view_organization_plists": true,
    "login": "",
    "can_edit_organization_cameras": true,
    "can_edit_organization_plists": true,
    "user_id": 1377,
    "folders_permissions": [],
    "can_edit_organization_users": false

The user doesn't have the permission to view cameras: "folders_permissions": [].

Remove users from the default organization

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY" \



    "success": true

Folders in organizations

Managing folders in organizations in

Get a list of all folders of the organization

All cameras belong to some folder. That is, there are no cameras outside of folders. When you create an organization, the default folder Cameras is created.

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-USER-API-KEY" \
-X GET ''


Response example:

        "level": 0,
        "camera_count": 4,
        "organization_id": 753,
        "parent_id": null,
        "map_topleft": null,
        "id": 1156,
        "title": "Cameras",
        "map_bottomleft": null,
        "order_num": 1,
        "map_topright": null,
        "coordinates": null

Grant permissions for users in a specific folder in the organization

curl -H "x-vsaas-api-key: VSAAS-ADMIN-API-KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X POST ''
--data '{
    "user_id": 1378,
    "can_view_dvr": 1,
    "can_use_ptz": 1,
    "can_use_actions": 1,
    "dvr_depth_limit": null


  • YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME is the domain name.
  • ORGANIZATION-ID is the organization ID assigned when creating the organization.
  • FOLDER-ID is the ID of the folder with cameras.

Response example:

    "can_use_ptz": true,
    "can_use_actions": true,
    "user_id": 1378,
    "can_view_dvr": true,
    "dvr_depth_limit": null