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A failover cluster is a group of servers that work together to maintain the overall service stability and exclude any possible downtime of any part of the system. If one of the servers fails, another cluster server takes over its workload. This process is called failover.

In Watcher cluster, in case of a streamer server failure, the camera traffic to this server will automatically redistribute between other cluster servers, also called standby servers. The video archive becomes unavailable on the streamer server that had a failure. The new video archive will be recorded on the standby server.

When the connection to the primary server that had an issue is renewed, the traffic is automatically redirected back. Provided that the storage on the primary server wasn’t damaged during the failover, the access to the main video archive will be re-established. The video archive on the standby server will still be seamlessly available.

The failover function is enabled in Watcher by default. No additional settings are required.