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Limiting the number of sessions per user (the anti-theft system)


To prevent users with access to the streams from full restreaming to their servers (for example, for further re-selling), Flussonic Media Server can limit the number of simultaneously viewed streams. Thus, even after obtaining the access to all streams, the user may only view N number of streams simultaneously, and attempts to restream all streams will result in nothing.

The limitation is made for each user with his own UserId and is set with authorization.


In order to limit the number of sessions to 2, in the authorization backend the following headers should be set:

X-UserId: some-user-id
X-Max-Sessions: 2

If, after such authorization, a user tries to view three streams simultaneously, one of them will be interrupted.


After a session has been banned, any attempt to reopen it within the period of X-AuthDuration will be rejected by Flussonic Media Server.

Therefore, if X-AuthDuration: 3600 is specified, and an extra stream is opened, after this stream has been interrupted, it will be impossible to open this stream with the old token for one hour.

After a session has been banned, the next request from client's HLS playlist will receive a 403 Forbidden response. In case of RTSP, RTMP, the HTTP MPEG-TS socket will just be silently closed.

Each banned session is accompanied by a log entry like:

14:58:51.598 <0.391.0> [stream-name] session_limiter:174 Ban session_id: <<"604551981e3e787b897afbaf35bb9f4d168d70b9">> for user_id: <<"8471796306">> and token: <<"5cfb82ecaf56ebfe7ac32a9020c86ef1d231d49e">> due to exceeded session limit

Soft limitation

Some middlewares cannot generate a new token for every new HLS stream request. This behavior may cause problems during switching between streams because sessions for old streams will be marked as excessive and banned.

Exactly for such cases Flussonic Media Server has soft limitation mode for sessions.

Sometimes, interruption does not happen after the first check (time is needed to understand that all sessions are actually being used), but it occurs after the second or the third check. Thus, after extra sessions are opened, they are usually interrupted in 30 to 90 seconds.

If you want to enable this mode, you need to specify the soft_limitation=true key for the on_play option, for example:

stream foobar {
  on_play http://FLUSSONIC-IP:8081/my_auth_script.php soft_limitation=true;

The option soft_limitation can also be set in the UI on the Conifg > Auth page:

Soft limitation

X-Unique: true

The X-Unique header is deprecated, the X-Max-Sessions described above should be used instead.

X-UserId: some-id
X-Unique: true

is absolutely equivalent to:

X-UserId: some-id
X-Max-Sessions: 1

Besides, if both X-Max-Sessions and X-Unique are specified, the X-Max-Sessions is the priority. This way:

X-UserId: some-id
X-Max-Sessions: 5
X-Unique: true

is equivalent to:

X-UserId: some-id
X-Max-Sessions: 5