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Flussonic Agent Status and Log

This section describes how to obtain Agent status and Agent log messages.

Agent status

To make sure that Agent has successfully connected to Watcher, you can use the browser (as an alternative to looking at the list of Agents in the Watcher UI).

Open the following address in the browser:


Replace [AgentIP] with the local IP address of the device where Agent is installed. The current status of Agent will be shown.


Open this address only in the same local network where Agent is installed.

Agent log

For diagnostic purposes, we migth sometimes ask you to send us Agent log messages.

To download Agent logs, open the following address in the browser:


Replace [AgentIP] with the local IP address of the device where Agent is installed.


Open this address only in the same local network where Agent is installed.

Save the log messages and attach it to the ticket in which you correspond with our support team.