Software license
- No input channel limits
- Redundancy and Failover options
- For 1 server
- Basic Support included
Software license
- No input channel limits
- Redundancy and Failover options
- For 1 server
- Basic Support included
Software license
- No input channel limits
- Redundancy and Failover options
- For 1 server
- Basic Support included
Software license
- No input channel limits
- Redundancy and Failover options
- For 1 server
- Basic Support included
Software license
- No input channel limits
- Redundancy and Failover options
- For 1 server
- Basic Support included
Software license
- No input channel limits
- Redundancy and Failover options
- For 1 server
- Basic Support included
- No channel limits
- No user limits
- For 1 server
- Basic Support included
Perpetual license
- No channel limits
- No user limits
- For 1 server
- Basic Support included
Special Option
- Includes all PRO features
- Personalized pricing and discount rates
- R&D partnership:
- Collaborative experiments
- Creating and maintaining new tools
- Transparent development process
- Real-time feedback
- Tools for Efficiency: Telemetry and OpenAPI
- Premium support is recommended for purchase
PRO Features
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