Flussonic Successfully Closes its Participation in Andinalink 2022

Flussonic successfully finished its participation in the Andinalink 2022 trade show in Cartagena, Colombia. It was 4 days of a lot of learning about the state of our industry in Latin America and an opportunity to talk with new potential clients in this region of the planet that is showing impressive progress in the field of IPTV and OTT.
This trip was also an opportunity to meet again face to face, after two years of not being able to do so due to the pandemic, with many of our partners and clients from South and Central America who ratified us, again and again, the great reception that our products Media Server and Coder are having on this side of the world. Here at Flussonic, we like to go to these types of events not only to meet potential customers but also to hear directly from our users the comments and recommendations they may have.
Something else that made us very happy was the great interest shown by many Andinalink attendees for our video surveillance IP cameras and the Watcher platform. The market penetration of these devices is increasing and Latin America is ready to put aside traditional video surveillance, with all its disadvantages, and move to video surveillance in the cloud. Many of the ISPs at the convention showed interest in bringing this new service to their customers.
We leave Cartagena very happy and we hope to return to Andinalink next year with the new technological advances to which we have accustomed our partners and clients.