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The Settings menu section in the Watcher web interface allows the Watcher administrator to edit settings of Flussonic Watcher.

On this page, you will find the description of parameters on the Settings tab. Please refer to the following pages for details on other tabs and other related parameters:

Common settings

Watcher settings

  • Maximum number of user sessions – the limitation to the number of user (subscriber) sessions. There is similar parameter in user settings which has higher priority.
  • API key — this key is required for mobile apps and Agents operation. You can also use it to authorize API requests, see API request authorization ways for details.
  • Google Analytics Key — your Google Analytics key for Watcher. With Google Analytics you can gather statistics on Watcher usage by users.
  • Demo access — allows access in demonstration mode by the Demo access link on the login page. Please refer to Demo access to cameras for details.


  • Show map in main menu — show or hide the Map section from the main menu. The map is turned on by default.
  • Map center — geographic coordinates for map centering.
  • Map provider — select the map provider: Google, Openstreetmaps or OpenStreetMaps Offline.
  • Google Maps API key — the token of the geo cover in use (Google API key), allows automatically translate an address into coordinates in order to show the camera on the map.

Main page

  • Homepage — specifies what users will see upon login: map or dashboard.
  • External authentication – specify the HTTP address or address of RADIUS server that you use to authenticate users.


See Email customization.

Watcher settings


  • Default language – select the default language of the web UI. If not selected, Watcher will use your web browser language.
  • Interface languages – controls to change, add or delete you own localization files.

Event notification settings

You can select which events received from cameras Watcher will to process. Also, you can instruct Watcher to receive events sent from external systems. Motion detection events and license plate recognition events are supported. (Usage examples will be added here soon.)

  • External event notification URL — Watcher will send HTTP events to external sources specified here.
  • External event filter URL — the URL of your custom event handler. Watcher automatically sends the events received from cameras to this URL at the moment when an event takes place. Your script then receives an event from Watcher and returns (or doesn't return) the event ID. If the ID is returned, the event is considered confirmed and Watcher registers it in its database. Also, an email notification and push notification to the mobile application are sent. The archive interval around the event ([event_utc-10, event.utc+30]) is protected from deletion.

    If the script returns no identifier, the event is considered unconfirmed and is not registered in Watcher.

    If this field is not filled, then all events are registered in the Watcher.

    To sum up, this script is for your custom filtering of events. You can save only those events that you are interested in.

    Watcher uses the JSON format to send info about events to your handler:

    { "event":"video_activity", "camera_id":"test1", "algorithm":"plate_detector", "activity_type":"enter", "number":"ABCDEHKMOTX", "area_id": "0", "start_at": 1554883886, "end_at": 1554883886 }

    Example of the Simple Event collector.

  • Disable push notifications — notifications about video analytics events (such as motion events) will not be sent to the Watcher mobile app. This option is independent from your custom backend scripts.

    Example of the Simple Event collector.

Adding and configuring streamers in the UI

Before you add streamers to Watcher cluster, you need to prepare them as described here. If you use Watcher single, just configure the local streamer as needed.